Broadcasting Ideas

Have you ever wanted a GREAT way to broadcasts but didn't want to pay 5 Stardollars for the traditional way? Well, I got mine! Here are a few of my tricks... some for myself- and some for others to broadcast. These might be very helpful for your clubs, covergirl campaigns and much more! <3

1) SHOUT OUTS= I started a SHOUT OUTS program in my club E-mazingstories, where there's a topic labeled SHOUT OUTS [Sign Up] and my members can go and fill out a quick form. I have them fill out a form asking only two things: username and what their SHOUT OUT will say exactly. Then everyday or every other day I look at the next one in line and if it's not nasty and follows my rules, I quote it saying it's approved and put it in the club's presentation. I have a nice bordered area where they'll stand out. Here are some pictures of how it works:
Then This...

Then This...

2) Polls= I also started club polls in my club E-mazingstories, where there's a topic labeled FREE Club Polls [Sign Up] and members can go sign up by filling out a form that asks for the following: Username, question for poll, and three options. Then everyday or every other day I look at the next one in the list and approve it. Then I post them in the club poll, with their username. This is what it looks like:

Then This...

Then This...

3) Club Products= I got the idea from the amazing club already mentioned here, Words_On_Paper, owned by AnotherBookWorm. It's the idea that you sell club products to members. You can design club T-Shirts, Posters and Jewelery. You can make them yourselves or get help. I'll help you out soon with how you can make these, but first take a look at some ideas:
This is the one I made for my club, it's to go on any T-Shirt or Dress- or even your face! Haha  I made it in Stardesign Jewelery. I am selling them to members for 11 because that's what it cost to make them... but It's quite a bit so there's a discount for the first people. Oh, and they're sold in starcoins too!

This is one made my AnotherBookWorm for her club, it's where I got the idea. She made it in Stardesign Fashion and is selling them for 6 Stardollars. This is cheaper because it doesn't cost to spell out the name and stuff. I bought one of them! 

(Sceneries above by me, E-mazing.)

Thank you, I hope you try these out and stick around for stardesigning tips and advice! Try out these ideas in my club E-mazingstories and additional product ideas in Words_On_Paper! I think these tricks for broadcasting are very helpful and fun, so try them! :)

My Answers To SassySasha19's Interview

Here are my answers to the interview I had with SassySasha19:

Q1: What do you think makes people who get hacked, fall for those tricks?
-I think that sometimes it's the fact that the hackers are good, but most of the time it's that the people who get hacked are uneducated on all the ways to be hacked and they have to much faith in people they don't know. 

Q2: Do you think Stardoll gives enough awareness on hacking prevention, what else could they do?
-I think they have the basics, but people think they are being picky. The information is in the help section where nobody sees it too. It should be on the side, where it can be seen and include ways you can be hacked and more tips.

Q3: Have you ever shared personal information online, and if so... what came of it?
-I have shared some information. I have shared my first name and age. Nothing came of that, but I have given away my phone number to one person. Nothing happened to me, but I got in trouble. You should never do this- and I know that now.

Q4: Do you think that people are safe online, why or why not?
-I know there are bad people and bad things online and that's why you have to be safe. As long as you don't give away information, don't surf the internet and go with your gut... you'll be moderately safe! 

Q5: What clubs do you suggest on Stardoll, why?
-I suggest a tons of clubs, I'd be going on forever. Honestly, I suggest my club E-mazingstories... I have a ton of contests. I also suggest Words_On_Paper, V.RP.Fantasy, and more! Check out my clubs list and you'll see the very few clubs I'm a member of that I suggest!

Q6: What advice do you have for new people to Stardoll?
-I suggest that you not spend all your money right away. You don't know all the options and when you aren't a noob anymore you'll regret it. Just save it and I suggest buying makeup and things for your doll because people see that more then your suite. Don't waste money on broadcasts either! Good luck! 

Q7: Have you ever dealt with cyber bullies- was it you or someone else?
-I have and my sister, but it was more of fighting then someone picking on us. We were trying to explain that someone was a hacker when they started saying the opposite... that we were. It was really frustrating, Lol! 

Q8: How do you handle cyber bullies?
-I say that you just have to block and report them. They are online and shouldn't be allowed to effect real life. It can really hurt, but just ignore it. If they don't go away then tell an adult and get your friends for support. Most sites will get rid of bullies like that if you ask and have good reasons.

Q9: Have you ever had an online account hacked?
-Yes, it was my Stardoll account, E-mazing. I got it back and I learned a lot. Never give away your password. It's that simple. 

Interview With SassySasha19

  SassySasha19, who joined Stardoll on 8/13/10, is a British girl who loves everything about Stardoll and fashion. She likes to meet new people and is really nice! She became Diamond on 3/31/12 and she rocks it! <3

   Q: Have you ever encountered cyber bullies?

                 A: I have dealt with cyber bullies. My friend and I were cyber bullied over an instant messaging site by a friend who was at our Primary.

                    Q: How do you handle cyber bullies?

                                  A: You handle cyber bullies as you handle normal bullies, tell an adult, but on the internet you can also report them.

                    Q: Have you ever had an online account hacked?

                               A: Yes, I have, my friend's friend did it because my password somehow saved on their computer.

 Q: What do you think makes people fall into a hacker's trap?                               A: They fall for those tricks, because people trick them in a way nobody could notice sometimes. They are probably used to hacking and do it all the time, which makes them a pro.                  Q: Do you think Stardoll gives enough awareness on hacking prevention? What else could they do?                               A: Stardoll do give away enough awareness on hacking prevention, but every time somebody logs in or talks to somebody a warning should come up to notify them.                 Q: Have you ever shared personal information online, and if so... what came of it?                                A: I have only shared my name, because nobody can figure out who you are by your name, and nothing really came of it. 

 Q: Do you think that people are safe online, why or why not?                                A: Nope, you don't know who's behind the computer screen. It could be anyone!

      Q: What clubs do you suggest on Stardoll, why?                                                A: I suggest clubs of your friends, which you have got to know and popular clubs, which have a lot of people in them.  

 Q: What advice do you have for new people on Stardoll? 
                               A: Well, advice for new people, always be careful what you are doing because you don't know who's behind the computer screen.  

Tips For Clubs

  I thought that I'd give some advice on clubs. I think my clubs are pretty successful- or at least my main club. Here are some tips for making your club great, please enjoy! Hope they help! 

1: When making the club title, be sure to make sure it's exactly what you want. My club was called: E-mazingstories, but now it's hardly used for that. Just make sure it's what's you want and make sure you spell everything right- that'd be sad if it wasn't.

2: I think the first impression of a club is super important. So make sure that you have everything on the front page filled out. Have a good description, poll, scenery and presentation- plus make sure they are neat and correct.

3: When making a poll, make a good question. Make sure to be clear in your question, give a variety of different answers, and not be racist, mean, nosy, or anything else. 

Here's a couple examples of good polls: 

Here's a couple examples of bad polls:

4: The club description can be super great, just spice up your club! Say if you do contests (mention prizes), say interesting words and be all good- no bad. I'm pretty proud of mine. 

Here's two good descriptions:

Here's two bad descriptions:

5: Another thing that's important is the scenery. Have a great scenery that matches the club. Make it perfect, and if you can't- hold a contest! Look how good this presentation matches the scenery! 

6: Club presentations work like your presentation, just drag and drop. You can look back to my other post about If you have Firefox. If you don't you need it so much! It can do anything- I made the scenery above myself on Word, but you can drag and drop anything on Firefox too! Please try!

7: I suggest club presentations include the owner's name, managers' names, current contests, title and maybe a picture. It makes you look organized and it shows people who haven't joined what they're missing. Just update it. I love my front pages- it's the best part for me... besides discussions. 

8: Discussions! That's where the magic happens. You can hold contests, start games, write stories, give tips and more! Make sure you're always active in your own clubs topics, because how do you expect them to be active when you're not?

9: I suggest always having contests. It brings people back to post in other topics. You can have Medoll contests (Where people just sign there names and you look or save it somewhere for you to see later), Scenery contests (Which should be done in the club and usually have a theme and could end up on the front page), Story contests (The key to story clubs I think that could be poetry or anything), Talent contests (Where people posts links to art, singing and more), Raffles (Where people enter somehow and the you draw. My sister had an idea to have people do certain things like make posts to get more tickets), Active contests (Where the most active person who posts and makes sceneries gets a prize), or my favorite... Covergirl contests. Covergirl contests are like MeDoll contests- only they go on the front page of your club. I have everyone enter with a scenery of them that can go on the cover if they win, then I pick the best three and put them in the poll. I send a prize to those three too. Then everyone votes on those three and the poll decides who wins. I usually put the top three on the front page somewhere so people can see them- the presentation or scenery. The winner goes on the cover and gets another prize.

10: I know I'm saying to make contests, and I want you to do that... but DON'T EVER not give prizes. You're saying you're giving a prize so give it. Nothing will send people out of your club faster then a lie. If you have no money, explain and send it soon. If like only two entered and one of them gets the prize... still send it- unless BEFORE the contest started you wrote in the topic "not sending prize unless 5 or more entries" or something like that. If those two entered, they deserve prizes. They were active. So if you don't want to make contests because of sending the prize, set small prizes. I make mine usually 5 stardollar gift for first and 3 stardollar gift for second. My big prizes are 15 usually. It's possible. Even for non-superstar. If you want a prize to be bigger with a small amount of money or none at all, add stuff like this: Manager, Scenery on the Front Page, Mentioning in Poll, Model in Album, MeDoll in presentation, 5/5 votes and more!

11: One last tip... managers! Choose wisely. Managers can delete members, topics, sceneries and posts. Pick someone responsible. Some members ask to be manager and that might mean when they get to be they'll leave. So tell managers they need to be active too. I usually don't have many managers. I like doing it all myself. I think your club is safer that way. 

Hope these tips were helpful and that your clubs or clubs in the future will be great! If you have any additional helpful tips, post them in the comments! Please and thanks! Enjoy!

Some Great Clubs

  I don't join just any club. I like the really great ones with the nice competitions, organization and fun, so consider joining these Stardoll clubs!

AnotherBookWorm's Club:Words_On_Paper
It's a really nice writing club that's active, organized and has great prizes for competitions- I'm talking 50, 100, 200 Stardollars. There's only a little over 400 members, but it's great. Plus, there are great writers and tons of stories. I love this club because everyone's nice too! It's awesome! <3

PinknMe's Club: Gothic!
Don't be fooled by the name, it's not for Gothics- It's for everyone! It's active, fun and there's lots of contests. Even though she's my sister... it's really a great club! There's lots of joking around and games! I really suggest this club, I mean, 435 people are already enjoying it! You should too!

xcheekyxmonkeyx's Club: Love-lipgloss
This club is up and coming! It has great people in it- so nice! There are more then 450 members and I think that says something. It may not be showy, but I see dedication! I suggest it because I know it's great! There's competitions and lots of fun! Check it out today and love it like I do! :D

I really hope you like these clubs as much as I do! There are so many great clubs. How about mine? Oh yeah! I'll talk about that too...

E-mazing's Club: E-mazingstories

My club is really cool. It's very organized, because I like it that way. I have at least 1 contest going all the time. I always give prizes and I have free broadcasting systems. I have over 700 members and tons of sceneries. I have Club Covergirl contests too! Sound good? 

If Only You Have Firefox

  I want to suggest that everyone download Firefox. It is super handy and updated. It's free to download and it is safe! 
  So if you do, then you can do this:
Open 2 Firefox side by side and put one on a presentation you want. On the other open your presentation like you're going to edit it. Then you highlight the part of the presentation that you want!

Then you just click on the highlighted part and hold, dragging to to your presentation.

Next all you have to do is let go and it will appear in your presentation. Then you can edit it and write your own text, change font color and enjoy!

Here's a stupid example of before and after of what you can do! 

So, I really hope you try Firefox! It's great- Trust me! You'll LOVE it! 

Ps: Remember whenever you're copying people, make sure they "ok" it or that they you don't say it's yours. At least leave credit at the bottom. They'll be glad you did! 

Makeup How To's

-When buying makeup, there's no need to buy many shades of one color. Buy one shade you like best, a black and a white and if you put the color on first, then the black or white... it changes the shade! It saves money too! (The left eye is original colors and right is the layered colors.)

-Blush is fun, I like to either start at the top of the cheek and move in a line to the corner of the mouth, or shade as close to the sides of the face as I can along the side. (The left cheek is the first one and the right cheek is the second one.)

-You can add a shadowy look to your eyes by doing a few different things. You can put black eye shadow just on the top half of your eye, dark and behind your lashes, and then another color to make your eyes pretty. I do this most of the time. You can also start at the middle of the eyelid and go back to the upper outside of the eyebrow for another cool look. (The left eye is the first one and the right eye is the second one.)

-You can make your own lips! Just buy hot pink, light pink or red lipstick and about 3 to 6 hot pink hearts, light pink teardrops, or red hearts to match. You might also need fangs. There are lots of ways to do this. Just start by coloring the lips with the lipstick. Then if you're looking to make a closed mouth a smiling mouth, place two fangs sideways at a slant so the tops go together in the middle. That's the teeth. Then arrange the hearts or tear drops around the bottom of the mouth so they make the mouth longer. Make it like a half circle shapes. Then I suggest as a bonus, taking a different color of hearts or teardrops and making the inside of the mouth another half circle. Make sure it doesn't cover the teeth.

-You can do two layer lips stick, to make it unique. Just get two shades, for example yellow and orange or pink and red. Then apply one of the colors all over the lips. Take the second color and put it carefully just along the center of the lips, not close to the edge equally around the lips. It will be cool and two toned!

-It's handy to buy hair dye that's the color or a wig that you have, so you won't have an odd color showing through in random places of fault.

Hope these were helpful!

Making Sceneries on Stardoll

  I bet you've seen those amazing sceneries with the poses and the awesome stuff that takes your breath away! You've probably wondered how they do it, and if you could do it. It doesn't take to much time, and it will sure put your scenery on the front page of somebody's club! It also boosts your chances of winning scenery contests, because it looks like it took more time! 

  Here are some of my sceneries that I've done as examples: 
This one was just arms, but doesn't it make the scenery more creative?
(Notice the doll on the ground's eyes are closed. I did that.)
This one was an animal. I love this one, it's simple... but doesn't it look so beautiful?
This one is just a leg, then can be interesting... I like this one- but it's not my favorite! 

  I'm going to show you how to make those moving parts and how to make a great scenery! Plus, if you are a member of my clubs on stardoll, it'll help you win my contests. So, read below for your tips! 

1. I like having a plain background, but I don't use the comic ones because there are sections and when you try to put things in certain places they may get cut off. I choose the theme that matches my scenery the closest so I'll get some theme items, but then I cover it up with squares. If you make the squares big, you should only need to to cover the scenery background.

Note: You can make squares in the Stardesign interior I believe. Just make a plain square in any color and buy it. Then you can use it in your sceneries. This is the best thing for these kinds of sceneries. I suggest white,black, or blue squares.

2. Pick out a Medoll you like to start with and then depending on what you're doing and how many limbs you're posing... get more of the same person. It's easiest to pick someone with short hair if you're moving arms. Here's what it might look like:

I plan on posing the left arm to bend halfway, so I put the other same Medoll sideways and lined it up halfway with the other doll, see?
3. Now you'll want to cover up every part of the extra Medoll, except the arm and the lower part of the first MeDoll's arm. Use the squares that you used to cover up the background. It should only take two squares for the first part. You just move the 1st square in behind the first doll, then line the bottom of it up just above the arm and the left is covering all the legs. The right should be covering the top half of the extra Medoll's head. The 2nd square is to finish covering the head and fixing my mistake below- the bit of space between the original arm and the body. It will look like this: 
(Sorry about my mistake. The space between the body and the original arm would normally be covered by the second white square. I'm fixing it right now...)
Now you just have to cover up the lower half of the first Medoll's arm. Take a square, tilt it to the right and carefully cover part of the lower arm so it doesn't block the leg or extra arm. Then take another square and finish it off. It will only need to be tilted slightly to the right. It might not be perfect for this last square, but look at it. it should be a posing Medoll. Then just decorate it and save it- or add more Medolls... but make sure not to add to many items. Take a look at my final result:
Isn't it so pretty! You can do this easy! Thanks for reading!! ♥