How to: Go Pink

How to: Go Pink
Using MeDoll: E-mazing

Step by Step

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

This "Go Pink" look is good, because it's not too pink. It's a perfect balance of neutrals and color. You see the theme, without being over powered by it. I encourage you to try this look and make it your own.

Thank you so much for reading! :)

Pulling off a Color Themed MeDoll

lovevintage200's winning photo for Contest in Club E-mazingstories
Pulling off a color themed Medoll isn't easy. It takes a lot of talent. You can either go two ways; way one is subtle. Way two is crazy. I suggest going subtle. Why? If you go crazy with a color, example green hair, green makeup, green jewelry, etc then you might come off as immature or as a newbie. It takes a ton of skill to pull off all that color. If you go subtle, then you can look so much more sophisticated and stunning. Look at the photo above. You can tell the color is green, can't you? It's truly beautiful. If you want that same result, then read these tips below:

  1. Pick features that create an expression; sad, angry, laughing. If your Medoll has a straight face, it doesn't make as much of an impact. Pay attention to the eye brows, that's a big part of expressions.
  2. Eye color is important. It can be a subtle way to make your color pop. If it wasn't for the eyes in lovevintage200's photo, you wouldn't know the color theme was green. Use colored contacts to match any color you need.
  3. Less is more, when it comes to makeup. When picking colors, don't be afraid to go neutral. Your Medoll should only have two focal points; for example, in this picture the only thing with a pop of color is the eyes and earrings. When you only have 2 focal points, your eyes bounce back and forth and it creates the illusion there's more color then there actually is.
  4. Imperfections= Perfection. Simple things like moles, freckles, piercings and more. Use these to fill in spaces. It makes your Medoll more detailed without adding more color or over powering the theme. If you add lots of jewelry it becomes to much and your eyes don't know where to focus.
  5. Coloring is important. Choose colors that contrast, but not too much. If you have light skin, choose dark hair. If you have two lights or two darks, the color theme is too choppy. Use contrasting, but blending colors. 

I hope these tips helped. Thank you for readings and please comment! :)

Multiple Discussion Pages

My Biggest Pet Peeve 

    Most Clubs have more then 1 Page of Discussions, and while that means they have more topics, it doesn't always mean more activity. I've surveyed members of my own club and I've noticed that many of them forget to check the 2nd page of Discussions. It's not their fault.
    I forget too.
    Those topics generally aren't on the first page for a reason. They're not as posted in and therefore not as fun? Maybe. In my club, I hate having more then one page. It bothers me. I try to sort through and get rid of unneeded topics that push it to 2 pages. I notice that if you have more then 2 pages, your club is less active. It's my biggest Pet Peeve and a very important one. I think these tips can help you solve this problem.

  • Set up rules to stop spam/advertising/chain mail topics
  • Have topics for all questions, comments, suggestions, and thank yous to be posted in
  • Make rules so every topic not posted in at least once a week will be deleted
  • Limit the amount of topics a member can post a week, a month, or at once
  • Set up lots of reminders to check the 2nd page: In presentation, poll, guestbook, etc
  • Post in the least active topics and move up the list to the top

    I hope these tips help. I encourage you to keep your Topics under 1 page. It will make it easier to be active and you can see them all at once. Good luck! ♥

How to Make 'Fake' Legs

     This is a picture of my final result for Stardoll 'Fake' Legs. Take a look at this picture and if you want to know how I did it, then watch the video below for details. 

Watch the video below for Details: 

Thank you for watching! ♥