I think that almost everyone creates a club right when they can. They call it something silly or common. Then they grow up a little, give it some time and think... "This club isn't good." So then they want to start over. They don't want to loose their members, they don't want to wait 7 days or a month to create a new one- so what do they do?
They restart. But how do you make it any better then the last attempt? This is how...
When you originally create a club, I suggest thinking it over EXTREMELY well... if it's a themed club then it can be hard to keep active. Certain people will not like that thing and not join and it's usually the themed names that make it hard to start over. Most people create some club called "FunRolePlay" or "MakeoverMeDolls" and then when they start over they come to a stop and say "How can I make this into something else? It so specific!" Here's tip one on just this: #1: If the name is specific to a theme or something, then just keep a little bit of that in the club. Don't totally abandon it. If it's an old role play club, embrace that. Just make sure people know that's not all you do. I had troubles with that and my main club E-mazingstories. It is specific, but I just made sure that we had other things. We have contests and games. Stories is the name... and we do have stories... but it's for anything really! I suggest mentioning the old theme somewhere on the front page and have a few topics about it. The only place I mention stories is in the Description and I have stories in the topics. Specific themes can't hold you down anymore! :)
The topics can be hard to let go. They might have old contests, stories, games, role plays, etc. When They start over, most people think to delete them all. They might be all about the old theme or just really old and inactive. Here's my tip two: #2: I have redone my clubs before. I change the presentation, description, poll and stuff without thinking... but the topics people forget. They delete them all because they think "Start over means nothing!" But does it? I don't think so. History is good. Just sort through your topics. I do suggest deleting old contests and things like that. However, I'd look through old games and role plays if you like them then you can either make a new topic for the same old game or just post and make the old topic active again. If your club looses all it's topics, it's empty and empty clubs aren't fun. But also, don't overload on new topics either. Make a few topics and see how it goes. Nothing in the topics is boring, but to many can make it hard to be active. So find that balance and your new club will be better!
When they restart their club, they can wonder how to get their members attention again. Maybe they weren't active because they didn't like the theme, but they probably will now right? But how? Here's tip three, right here: #3: When you are finished with everything else, that's when you should start celebrating. Make it exciting. If you don't have too many members, then I might go suite to suite posting in their guestbook to let them know about the change. You could say "My club (Name) has started over, with better everything! Come get back into the games, contests and fun! It's gonna be great!" That would be good. I also suggest making a special contest for the opening(Remember that you MUST send prizes if you promise them). Then I also suggest a spot topic talking about why you started over, what has changed and what will change. It's also a good time to get more members. You don't have to broadcast unless you want. Tell people in their guestbook. Click and broadcasts and do it their. It can be awesome, it just takes time!
I hope you learned a little bit! If you have any more questions, remember to ask. Plus... if you want tips on anything just tell me! Thanks for reading! ♥