20+ Game Ideas

I think an Important part of a club on Stardoll is to have Games. It keeps members active and they're really fun. I thought I'd share some Games with you that you could post in your Clubs. Some of them I made up, and so when I say to leave credit to me... please do. I hope these are good Games, I know I like them...

First off, I'll do my Game Ideas:
Just say "Idea by E-mazing, Join E-mazingstories!" That's my favorite way to leave me credit, Thank you! :)

1) The Importance Game: 
This is the Importance Game. Look at the post above yours and list the 3 things in Order of Importance (1 being most Important and 3 being least), then you Post 3 new things for the person below you to list in order. 2) The Inspiration Game: This is the Inspiration game! All you do is look at the post above yours that will have a prompt and then write a short paragraph of a story using the prompt, then post your own prompt! 3) Ready or Not: This is the Ready or Not Game. The Post above you will have a Place, then you say if you're Ready (Meaning you'd go there) or Not (You wouldn't go there). If you say ready then say the first thing you'd do there, if Not... don't put anything else. Then post another place for the person below you! 4) I feel like there's another one, but I can't remember! Oh well... Second, These are Other Ideas: 1) Name/Age/Job Game: Say what you think the person above you should be named, what job they should have, and how old. Example: Name: Job: Age: 2) Name that Song Game: Type part of the song, and then the person below you will try to guess it, and Then they post type of their Song! This is a fun game, but don't forget to come back and say what part of song you posted! 3) True or False Game: I'll start with a statement about the person who will reply below and he/she must say if it is true of false, then post another statement of their own. Easy, right? Hope you enjoy. 4) 5 Letter Game: I've picked five letters, And I've listed them. you make up a sentence with the letters. And then next person has to make a sentence using just the five letters, Like this: L I I T A=Love is in the air. Then leave your five letters. 5) I Drop Game: Okay, this is how to play. You just think of something to drop. Anything. Then the other person leaves a comment how it feels and what they dropped. 6) Rate the Person Above you: Rate the person above you with smiles ! Rate them 1 / 5! 5 is the highest rating! OR Rate the person above you from 1 to 10! 7) Yes or No Game: Okay heres how it works the person on top of you asks a question and you answer yes or no. Example start with me: Do you like Pizza? 8) A, B, C or D: The person above you will put in there post (A, B, C, or D ). After each letter put a Food, Singer, or anything. The person underneath will put which one they like best and then make another Poll. 9) What would you Cook: You give a cooked Item and the person below you rates it 1 to 5 on how much they'd like it. 5 being the best. Then they post another Cooked Item, Example: Mac n Cheese 10) Eat it or Pass it: You say a Food, then the person below you says Eat it or Pass it, then they List a new food for the person below them. 11) Wear it or Share it: You say an Item/Beauty Accessory and the person below you says if they'd wear it or share it, then they post their own Item/Beauty Accessory. 12) Continue the Story Game: A Story is started and each post adds a sentence to the story, helping it grow to a huge story. 13) Word Game: I write one word and you have to use the letters that appear in the word, you can't repeat the letter unless the word has repeated letters (like "less") ok so here is an example: Word given: Dog Other words: God, do, go 14) Guessing Game: You have to guess the first letter of the person's name below you, then they say yes or no and guess another letter. 15) Guess Who: Guess who the Celebrity is based on the 2 hints given by the Person above you, then List two hints for a Celebrity of your choice and the person below you will guess! 16) What's your favorite: The person above you will have said for example: "What's your favorite Cheese?" then you say what your favorite Cheese is Chedder, then you post your own what's your favorite, for example: "What's your favorite color?"
17) Rhyming Game: Make a long rhyme. Everyone adds a sentence that rhymes to the story and it grows. For example: Look at the sky, it might cry, i can fly, etc.
18) Look-A-Like Game: Hello dollies this is a game called Celebrity look-a-like game, what you have to do is look at the doll above you and post which celebrity you think they look like most.. sounds fun?
19) Alphabet Soup Game: Someone starts with A stands for... (Something that starts with A), then every post moves on another letter until you get to Z, then you start over again with A stands for....
20) Slam the KeyBoard: Just slam the keyboard once and make a sentence out of the letters. Make sure your max amount of letters is 6.
There are so many amazing Games out there, these are just the Beginning! Most of these I have in my Club, but some are from SD-Designs and Win.CG which are both also great. Just surf around and you'll find amazing Games to play! Thank you for reading and I hope these games helped! Remember to leave credit! ♥

Fashion Quiz

I don't think I've done anything like this. So let's try. All you have to do is pick your favorite Item from Every row and then at the bottom I'll tell you how to find out the answers to this Fashion quiz, but don't worry- It only tells you about yourself. 
                                     Fashion Quiz
The Fun Starts Here!

Now let's see what your results are...

(Just add up how many ♥'s, ♣'s, ♫'s, and ►'s you get. You can tell which item is which symbol by looking at it's placement in the Row. For example, on Row 1 the red dress is the Music note because they're both on the bottom left.)

Row 1: ♥ ♣
            ♫ ►

Row 2: ♫ ♫ ►
            ♣ ♥

Row 3: ♫ ♥
             ♣ ►

Row 4: ♥ ►
           ♫ ♣

Row 5: ♥


Bonus Row: ♥ ♫ ♫                                 
                    ♫ ♣ ♫                     
                    ►► ♥

Now just tally it up and whatever you have to most of, that's your result. Just read what your result is below and don't forget to post your result in the comments so everyone can compare and share! Thank you for participating! :)

♥: Based on your answers, you like Fallen Angel clothes best. I'm guessing you love black clothes. Maybe you like how serious they can be and how sophisticated. I bet you dress in this style clothes on Stardoll- maybe even real life!
♫: Based on your answers, you like Rio clothes best. I guess you like sassy clothes. Do you love animal prints and bright colors too? I bet you love to buy this style on Stardoll- what about in real life too?
♣: Based on your answers, you like Pretty n Love clothes best. Let me guess... you love pink and girly stuff. You like how it brings out your girl side, right? I bet you wear this style on Stardoll- maybe in real life too! How pretty!
►: Based on your answers, you like Decades clothes best. I'm guessing you like pastels and natural colors. You probably like history or just how mature they can make you look. Do you wear this style on Stardoll- and in real life?

Stardoll Memberships

I think that Every Stardoll member knows about or has heard of Stardoll membership. Stardoll membership really is fun. I myself have bought 17 Membership cards and have spent 185 real American Dollars on Stardoll. That's a lot. Let's talk about what Stardoll Membership is....

In Stardoll's Words, Superstar is:
* A premium package of Stardollars, paid out over the course of your Superstar Membership
* StarBazaar: Open your own store the StarBazaar and re-sell your clothes, designs and other items. 
* More rooms for your Superstar Suite
* Being able to exchange Starcoins to Stardollars whenever you want
* 50% Superstar Sales are just for you. Stretch those Stardollars even further.
* Early access to all New Stardolls
* Up to 100 pages in your Superstar Album
* A golden frame around your Avastar and a highly ranked search profile
* A Superstar can create Parties!
* A Superstar badge on your Avastar and nickname
* Special high-end items from Real Brands, Celebrity labels and our own designs are kept in reserve for your Superstar delectation
* Superstars can top-up their account with even more Stardollars
* Be the first to enjoy all our upcoming singular Superstar features now in development.

Diamond/Royalty is:
Certain Stardoll members who've bought enough memberships to earn being in a club. They get early access to stuff before everyone else though too. They are automatically added to the royal club when they buy enough membership. Stardoll can make you not royalty, but you have to give up the club too. It's a both or nothing deal.

Since I'm royalty, I'm going to share some cool royalty stuff. This is the message I received when I became royalty: 
I'll also share some quick pictures of the inside of the Stardoll Royalty club, I'll let you decide if it's as amazing as you'd think:

Thank you for reading, I hope these pictures make you want to buy membership and become royalty! ♥

Making Wigs

Making Wigs has been a Stardoll trend for quite some time. I love making wigs. I love to see what other people have created and I've sold some of my wigs to too. I thought I'd share some stuff about wigs. First, here are some great wigs and their creators:
There are so many amazing creators. I think that anyone can create, because there's someone out there that will love it! I'm going to share some of my wigs, which are horrible in comparison to these... but then I will show some tips. First, my wigs: 

When I make my wigs, I either was asked or I feel inspired. It's important to be inspired. I usually look around for inspiration in other wigs. I copy quite a bit, but I always either give credit or make it my own. I'll share some tips when making wigs now. Here they are:
-If you're making a full wig, usually you can make it any color you want. But if you're making a partial wig, you should make sure you have a dye or hair color to match it. It wouldn't be very fun to buy a wig that doesn't match the rest of the hair (Unless that's the look you're looking for...).
-Making the hairline is important. If you look at these wigs, they are pretty far down the forehead. I'd suggest making it pretty far down. Making a hairline can be hard to make realistic. If you don't want to hassle with it, make bangs!
-You can make a wig more artistic and more realistic if you use different shades of the color. For example: Use a light brown, a medium brown and a dark brown. You'll probably want to make the medium shade the main color, then blend the other colors in randomly. I like using this tip.
-Sometimes if a wig is too stiff it looks fake, so try making the wig look wind blown or posed. A tip for posing is you go with the Medolls lines. Curve it around her face. When in doubt, you can always pose your hair to see what it would look like... or use Google.
-You can recreate the same the wig in a different color by wearing it to the Stardesign Hair, then making it show while you cover it will the same parts. I hope this makes sense, lol

I hope you enjoyed these tips and get a little inspiration! Keep designing, everybody! Thanks for reading! :)

Secret Trick to Active Members

Recently I came up with this Idea to Remind your members to be Active. Just follow these 2 easy steps and your members will be brought to the Topics of your Club to be active:

1) Make a Spot Topic with the Title, for example: "REMINDER TO BE ACTIVE" It doesn't matter what you write in the text box below the title.
2) Create the Topic then Delete it.

Your Members will get the Notification saying, for example: "REMINDER TO BE ACTIVE" and when they click it, they'll go to the topics because you deleted the Topic. It will make them see the Topics and they'll probably click on one and be active!

I hope this helps! ♥

The Truth to Winning Covergirl

Everyday when you log on the first thing you see are these faces, it's the first thing new members see. They are our covergirls and national covergirls. At one point, everyone wants to win. Usually it's earlier in their Stardoll career. I bet you've sent a few broadcasts, or asked your friends. It's something everyone knows, when you say "5/5!" It's all for the popularity and... oh- that golden trophy! 


Did you know that almost everyone who wins covergirl had to spend hundreds or even thousands of Stardollars on Broadcasts?

Did you know that: 
Around 300 Stardollars usually equals 10 real American dollars?
Around 1000 Stardollars usually equals 25 real American dollars?

That information, you probably knew... but if you didn't then you could be shocked. It's not meant to make you not want to win covergirl, but I think it's important to know before you send out 10 broadcasts and hope for covergirl. It's going to take a lot more then that. Winning covergirl takes a lot of work, money and time. A million girls are disappointed it isn't them everyday when they log on. They might not realize yet what it takes. It's not always about the most beautiful MeDoll, which is unfair. It takes money. That might be what's stopping you from winning. Sometimes it is the beautiful who have the money, so don't get me wrong- we've had some amazing covergirls... just it's about asking for votes and getting them. I haven't won covergirl, yet I receive quite a few good things to say about my doll. I think everyone does. We all are covergirl worthy, we just aren't all rich. I love to help people out by voting, but the covergirl contest in a popularity contest- not a beauty pageant or real favorite contest like it should be.

Here are some tips for Winning covergirl:
-Your chances will increase a TON by broadcasting. You'll have to broadcast a lot. Just say "covergirl covergirl covergirl" over and over. 
-Post in your clubs, presentation, album, scenery, etc. about voting you 5/5! Everywhere someone looks on your page should remind them that you want to win.
-Tell your friends in chat and in messages. You could send messages to all your friends and reply to all guestbook comments with "vote me 5/5!"
-Make sure everyone knows why you want to win, sometimes it means more to them if they know. Original is good though. I see tons that say "It's my dream", but what I wonder is why? Don't lie though. Have you always wanted to prove you were good enough? Have you always wanted enough visits to tell the world something? 
-Have the best suite, Medoll and presentation you can. Be original and don't copy anyone!
-You can have a little sign in your suite saying vote 5/5. You could also make a sign in beauty parlor with an item spelling out vote 5/5. It'd be easier though to make one in designs somehow- or buy one. 
-Free advertising could be to click on broadcasts and post quickly in their guestbooks. It's quicker to have it ready to copy and paste. Make sure you change something every other time. Like removing  or adding something, otherwise Stardoll won't let you post. 
-You could have a contest in a club or in your page. It could be a raffle or a voting contest that says whoever votes for you will be in a drawing or gathers the most votes will win.
-Be nice, friendly and caring to everyone. 
-Help out other people trying to votes and they might vote back!

After a lot of time, hard work and money... you might find out what it's like to win covergirl. You never could have done it though, without the truth to winning! ♥

Thanks for reading!

Fixing "Bad" Language

Stardoll tries to keep everyone in line, but doesn't it always seem like when you actually say bad words they don't catch it- but when you didn't say anything wrong it won't let you say it? It can be frustrating. I'm going to share some tips on how to figure out where they think you said "Bad" language. Just keep reading.

Let's say you just pushed post and Stardoll stopped you with the very familiar message:
 (I just have to add in there to prove my point, that when I was posting a semi naughty word so I could copy and paste the message about bad language that appears, it let me post it! It let me post another bad word as well! Stardoll... shame on you... anyway... back to the tip.)

There are a couple things you could do, but the first thing I always do is check chat. If someone is online, then follow this tip. I'll give an example.
1: Copy what you want to post but can't
2: Paste it in Chat with someone
3: Ask them to tell you where the stars are (Stars are what will show up when Stardoll detects bad language. They look like this: ****)
4: They might reply with something like this. I'll give an example. Your original text you sent to them: That's extra awesome! What they replied with: That'* **tra awesome!
5: Find that point in your writing and fix it. (More tips on fixing it below.)

If nobody is on chat then you can do two things. You can check your writing, but if it's really long then I suggest going to a guestbook. Guestbooks allow you to post bad words, but they star them out. Just post it in a guestbook (Delete whatever is over the max of Characters) and look for stars. If there aren't any in part of it, you'll need to find another guestbook and post the rest. When you find the stars you'll just need to fix it. 

Tips for Finding "Bad" language:
- Look for the following: Words that end what s and the following word starts with ex, example: Those games excited me! Words that end with t and the following word starts with it, example: I love that it's summer! Those 2 get me a lot. 
- Scam the text for the ends of words and beginning of other words. Look for curse words, slang words and anything you might suspect. I've come across: jumped open, mama sshhh!! You have to look really closely. 
- After you fix something, try re-posting it. That way you don't fix something else when you can already post. If it's still bad, keep looking.

Tips for Fixing "Bad" language: 
- Replace similar letters with symbols. Examples: a's with @'s, i's with !'s, o's with 0's, etc.
- Put stars on purpose. Examples: Drama* **citing, don'* **'s 
- You could find another font online that Stardoll lets post. I suggest: Funky Text Generator - NameFunk.com
- You could always rephrase it. Examples: Dramas exciting to Dramas fun, don't it's to no it's.

Thanks for reading! 
I hope these help you! ♥

Tips on Club Rules

A lot of clubs make rules. They can be really simple, or really strict and confusing. I want to share some good ideas for rules and creating rules. They were pretty different depending on what your club is for. Hope these help...

Tips on posting Rules:

  1. Always make sure you are clear in what you mean. Don't be afraid to use details.
  2. I think it's good to use a symbol or number to mark each separate rule.
  3. If your rules are basic, I'd put them on the cover. If they're more strict/complex make them a topic so members can ask questions or comment.

Tips on creating Rules:

  1. If you have rules for old topics, your club wont look so inactive. It also might encourage members to be active. You could say after a week a topics deleted or later. Remember to say you'll remind members before you delete.
  2. Making rules that say people can't fight in the club are a good idea. It makes sure your club doesn't get deleted because of fights.
  3. Another good idea is to make rules against spam. Especially those chain mails. They DON'T WORK!!
  4. Some people have rules on Games, what kinds of games and how many games there are. If you're worried about people's feelings then this might be good. I think that for the rating games, it's play at your own risk. (Of course you should never be mean and rate too low!) Also, it'd be good if you don't want a bunch of games to take away from what the club's for.
  5. Advertisements can be a problem too. I think it's sad not to have anywhere for members to advertise. That's why I use SHOUT OUTS. I talk about those in another of my blog posts. A lot of other people have a topic for advertising though...
  6. Make sure that everyone knows that ALL stardoll rules apply. Don't let them get away with cursing or trading/selling accounts. It can get your club deleted. I suggest having a system like so many strikes then they're banned.
  7. If it's a writing club- or any other club- it's good to talk about not copying or stealing ideas. Everything should be original or at least credited to the creator. This is really important.
  8. You could have rules about being active, but I think banning someone for being inactive isn't good. Then you're minus members.
  9. You could have rules about talking about things that aren't club related.
  10. Maybe rules for how to write or how to role play. They might be a good idea so you can understand people, but it might be pretty strict...

Here are my Rules for my Club E-mazingstories:

All my club members seem to be okay with these. They say these are fair rules. They say they are easy to understand (except for #7) and they say they're awesome... I can't disagree! This is one way to format your rules in a topic.

Here are the Club rules in SD-Designs:

These are pretty good rules. I consider these more strict rules. Her members say okay to them mostly, they also say "good rules". I think some of the things that make them more strict, also make them not so fun to me. I love the club, but you can't do rating games. That's the 1 I disagree with, but they really do hurt feelings sometimes. This is another way to format rules in a topic.

Here are the Club rules for Words_On_Paper:

These are presentation rules. They are pretty basic, but good. I haven't seen any member comments on these rules, but I think they're fair and pretty generous.

Hope you enjoy these Tips and Examples! 

Thank you for Reading!