- Don't make big decisions on a whim, think about them over night and create them the next day.
- Ask your members what they think, have a survey or just ask around. Keep in mind, that you should do what you are happy with too.
- Mention while you're doing it that you're unsure if it will stay forever, so they will have been warned you might take it away.
- Post it when nobody's on, then just look at it. You'll get a feel for what it will be like and then decide if it's good. If not, you just delete it.
I have made a lot of decisions for my club. I've had big contests, advertising programs, clubs based on my main club and positions for members. My club has come a long way. I've taken back two big things that come to mind. Those things are: Having less Special Managers and Removing PinknMe as Co-Owner.
1) I decided to have less Special Managers because I wanted it to be more special. I want it to be a few select people. Originally I had quite a few. Nearly 20. Now I have about 10 or so. I didn't just randomly do this. I had to take bad my decision gracefully. I had a contest so they could stand up for their place in the club. I explained how sorry I was and how lucky I was that they accepted in the first place. I would be sad to see them go, but I knew they'd all be back some day.
2) Another thing I took back was PinknMe as Co-Owner of E-mazingstories. She was my sister, I thought it was perfect. I would remind her to be active. She would help me. Nope. She did nothing. Sometimes that's what happens. Members want a position until they get it. Then they slack. PinknMe wasn't active at all. She did nothing a Co-Owner should do, so I had to remove her... but I'd already made a big stink about her being there. I made a contest, a cover scenery, a poll, spot topic. I decided to just remove her without a word. Nobody even noticed. It was lucky. I think they didn't notice because she never went anyway!
Sometimes people do notice what you've taken back. They don't understand or they don't want it to be true. They can get angry. I've had a few angry members before, but it kind of lets me know who the nice people are. One of my Special Managers turned not so nice on my yesterday. She proved to me that I made the right choice, to down grade her.
When dealing with Angry Members:
- Explain yourself nicely.
- Don't fight back by insulting or swearing. They have a report button too.
- You can decide if you want to report them if they swear or insult you.
- Taking screen shots for later is what I always do. (I told this girl I had proof she cursed and she said "I never cursed".)
- Keep your calm, that's what nice about the internet, you can control what you say. So keep it nice and clean!
- Don't lie to her.
Thank you for Reading, I hope this was Helpful! :)