Cyber Safety

Congrats to our Recent Contest Winners!

In Second is Stardoll User: princessnazy123

In First is Stardoll User: Mrs.Padalecki

Mrs.Padalecki wrote a short story to the prompt "A story about a girl who shared personal information on Stardoll with a stranger and what happened because of it" and I'd like to share it with you, just read below:

Bonnie was a girl, she used Stardoll every day, her profile was open it shared allot of her favorites and her first and last name. One day someone contacted her on Stardoll asking her for more information. Bonnie was foolish and agreed sending her details to the other Stardoll user. Bonnie didn't think much of it at all until she had a stranger show up at her door. It was a girl around the same age as Bonnie. "Hello." She said in a very mellow voice. "Hi?" Bonnie arched an eyebrow. Suddenly the strange girl through a punch slamming the side of Bonnie's head colliding it into the doorway. "Who are you?" Bonnie held the bleeding slit on the side of her head as she knelled on the ground. "Kitten90r." The girl bent down and hissed in Bonnie's face before kicking her in the gut, then again and again. 
Kitten90r was a friend of the Stardoll user that asked and received Bonnie's details. Kitten90r was also a girl who Bonnie had argued with in a club, the fight the two had online was fierce and it ended with Kitten90r making the remark. "I will get you."

This is an interview with the Contest winner Mrs. Padalecki:

Q1: What was your inspiration other then the prompt, for writing the winning short story?
~Well I did think allot about people threatening others over the internet would possibly lead to that persons threat actually coming true if they really wanted to find you. So I guess that was it.
Q2: How big of a problem is sharing information online today and do you think its a problem on Stardoll?
~It has increased in seriously recently because society is allot more dependent on computers and the internet. Stardoll does have rules against sharing information and has good precautions and a way about stopping people who are suspicious on Stardoll.
Q3: What do you think people should know about when they share information?
~Most of the major risks that can happen and perhaps evidence to things like that happening on websites like Facebook
Q4: Have you ever shared information online and what was the effect?
I have never shared by address but have given my name and Facebook to a girl I met on Stardoll, the effect wasn't anything negative we are now Facebook friends and both look like legitimate people too each other.
Q5: What do you think is okay to share online?
Your name and country and sometimes age. I think those aren't very major details but it lets people you are communicating with online have a little more idea about you. I personally would rather talk to someone who I knew their name and country then someone who was completely anonymous, it looks very suspicious when someone is that covered up even if they are just keeping safe.
Q6: How do you know who to trust online?
Admins of large websites and creators (Like those on Stardoll)
Q7: Any last advice for anyone who might be reading?
Make sure you have fun online but keep safe but don't completely lock yourself up all the outcomes of sharing minor details aren't always negative and you can actually make good friends from all around the world. :)

Thank you for reading and be sure to say Congrats to Mrs.Padalecki! Have a cyber safe day! :)

How I got 1473+ Members

      Over 2 and a half years ago, I created my club E-mazingstories.  As of today, 12/11/12, I have exactly 1473 members in my club. 

      The number of members is constantly growing. I am very proud of my club and I know lots of other Stardoll users would like to get that many members. I'd like to share some ways I helped gain all these members and how you can do it too!

  1. Be Active- It's important and it shows in the quality of your club.
  2. Have a Good Presentation- That's the first thing that members see so make it stand out from other clubs and set a good example for the discussions. Find out more about how to get a fancy presentation by visiting my Stardoll account E-mazingPages. 
  3. Enticing Front Page- People who visit your club should be begging to join. Entice them with contest details and don't be afraid to boast about the club!
  4. Have Invite Contests- If you have loyal members already and pretty good prizes then this can be successful.
  5. Broadcast your Club- You don't have to pay. Click on broadcasts and advertise in their guestbooks!
  6. Give it Time- If you're a good owner then members will come with time. Be patient.
       These are the main ways that I've gathered members. Just remember that a successful club doesn't happen overnight and it's only going to succeed if you go all out and try hard! Good luck always! :)

Stardoll Writing Contest CLOSED


1) Follow the directions I listed in my Club E-mazingstories on Stardoll (If you're not a part of that club, then just Follow the blog and move to Step 2.)
2) Write a Story in the Comments of this Post Using the Prompt Below

A story about a girl who shared personal information on Stardoll with a stranger and what happened because of it. Make it as clean as possible please & at least 1000 characters long. Be creative! 

1st... 7 Stardollar gift, Your Story in my Blog with Interview and Picture of your MeDoll, 5/5 Votes and Mentioning in Poll
2nd... 5 Stardollar gift, Mentioning in Blog Post with Picture of your MeDoll

Good luck! :)

Stardoll Closing on December 15th?


This is the Chainmail: 

Hi, this is a message from the creator of Stardoll and it tells you a little bit about what is going to happen to Stardoll on the 15th of December. Please don't send this back to the person you recieved it from. Dear Stardoll members, Stardoll is supposed to be closing down December 15th because it is becoming very overpopulated. There have been many members complaining that Stardoll is becoming very slow. Records show that there are many active Stardoll members and also many new members. We will be sending this message around to see if members are active or not. If you are active please send to 15 other users using copy paste to show that you are still active. *Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks will be deleted without hesitation to make more space. Send this message to all of your friends to show that you are still active and you will not be deleted. Founder of Stardoll..Remember to send this to 15 other people so your account wont be deleted.

This is the Proof it's Fake: 

Tips for Writing on Stardoll

  •    Anytime you write on the internet, it's out there. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but it's true. Especially writing. So think before you post, yes about your safety, but mostly about the safety of your writing! Think about all the eyes that will see it. They could copy it or make a similar writing. So always make sure before you post that it isn't a future best seller type of story or somebody else might be the one making the big bucks!
  •      Another great thing about writing is that everyone can write and somebody out there will love it. There are so many people that share the love of reading and writing, especially on Stardoll. I think it's important to find a good club to write in. The club should be active and supportive. You'll get more attention for your writing from an active club. Also pick a club based on the genre of story. Some clubs might like more fantasy or other types then others.
  •      When you write on Stardoll you need to make it follow Stardoll's rules. If you break them, even in writing, it will probably get you a warning or even deleted. If you don't want to take out the rule breaking content from the story, then I suggest writing it first somewhere else, then editing it to make it Stardoll appropriate. You could first write it in word, or another site. 
  •      A good thing to make people want to copy your work less, is if you tell them it's copyrighted. It's simple, post it on Wattpad. That site let's you pick to copyright your work, then when you write it on Stardoll, you can warn them! I think it's a smart idea and it's one I used to use...

Reasons to Join my Club E-mazingstories

Take your time in reading these reasons to join my club E-mazingstories:

  1. There are over 1450 members as of December 2nd 2012 and it's always growing. These people must have something interesting them in the club right?
  2. I visit my club everyday and so do many members. I never let a topic get past a week old. There are at least 20 members who help make the club very active everyday!
  3. Nobody in my club has ever found a mean member. The only drama we ever have is suspense of who's about to win a contest. Everybody is really supportive and encouraging.
  4. There are tons of stories to read and if you start a story, you're sure to get readers. I read and comment on every story created and you'll get lots of attention, I promise!
  5. I create contests a lot. There is always at least 1 contest going, usually 2 or 3 at once. I have every kind of contest: story, scenery, design, dress up and more. I always give prizes and lots of chances to get your name/work on the Front Page...
  6. You have goals to reach, because I have another club for SpecialManagers. It's way better then normal Managers. It's for the best members of E-mazingstories who get special contests, surveys and other awesome treatment. And you can be there someday!
  7. We have really fun games that get played daily and they're all kinds of them. You're sure to get ideas, ratings, creativity and lots of laughs and smiles.
  8. Every member has a say in the club. All they have to do is join my 3rd club, E-mazingExtra. That club is for members who want to share their opinion, get free stuff and enter even more contests! You'll always have a chance to tell me what you like or want to change...
  9. You get free advertisements and chances for attention in E-mazingExtra!
Do you want to join now?