The ability to report other Stardoll users is a wonderful way to keep Stardoll a safe online community, but it's a little more complicated then you might think. Today I'm going to discuss something very important you should know about the Reporting feature, it's called: False Reporting. I hope you read closely, because this is very important.
You can find the Reporting button on almost every page throughout Stardoll. Look for the symbol when you see behavior breaking Stardoll Rules. A pop up window will guide you through the reporting process.
Below are the Stardoll ONE STOP RULES taken directly from the Help page:
"When you are at Stardoll you must NOT:
- Swear, use sexually graphic terms or make racist remarks.
- Bully other Stardolls or in other ways make them feel uncomfortable.
- Ask other Stardolls for personal information (or give out your own) such as (but not limited to) password, email, name on Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram or similar.
- Post external links (such as photos, videos, chat rooms etc).
- Make private deals to trade items, trade/sell/buy accounts or sell items for more than the limit of 600 Stardollars.
- Type your password anywhere except in the log in box on or change your email to any email address that does not belong to you.
- Break the law at Stardoll or talk others into breaking it.
- Claim you belong to the Stardoll Staff. There is no employee code so, do not ask for or claim to have one.
- Create or design items that may be offensive to others, including (but not limited to) smoking, weapons and drugs.
Breaking any or more of the ONE-STOP-rules will result in the closure of your membership with no chance of refund."
Reporting Tips
- Read the ONE STOP RULES on the Stardoll Help page before making any report. You must be educated so that you are better aware of the actions of others and yourself. This will prevent you from making false reports and from accidentally breaking Stardoll rules.
- Only make reports when you have Proof. That means reporting crimes directly and not reporting people just because someone asks you too.
- Count to Ten before Reporting. Be sure that you're not angry or upset when you report someone. Never leave Stardoll a frantic, scrambled or immature comment included with the report. It will make your report less credible.
All about False Reporting
Stardoll says, "Making false reports or any other abuse of this function may result in termination of your account." Staff is very serious about this, so be 100% positive that what you are reporting is breaking Stardoll rules. You must report the crime directly. That means if someone asks for your password in chat, you must report that user in the chat window. If you report the user in her suite, there is no proof of a crime and therefore it may be considered a false report.
Conclusion: A false report includes any report without direct proof, so report the crime directly or your account could be terminated.
On the topic of false reporting, I want to bring up a popular way of getting revenge and justice. Although it seems good in theory, it's not always effective or safe. You may know of this as "Report lists", "Hacker lists" or something similar. Basically, a report list is any list of 1 or more Stardoll users who should be reported. Usually the creator of these lists tells everyone to report the people listed. It seems a harmless way of giving these accused hackers and rule breakers what they deserve, but here are some reasons it's a bad idea.
- There is no proof that a person on the list deserves to be reported. You are just taking the word of a random person online, which means you don't know if it's true, so you could be reporting an innocent person.
- If you report the person on the list without proof (aka you're not reporting a direct crime), then you're false reporting. Therefore, you're putting your own account at risk of being terminated.
- If the report list is posted on Stardoll and it includes links to proof, then the list itself is breaking Stardoll rules by posting external links. Which means the creator of the list doesn't understand the Stardoll Rules them-self and probably shouldn't be taken seriously.
Conclusion: Do not report a Stardoll user just because you're told to. It's false reporting and could put your account at risk!
Thank you for reading!
Please comment your own experiences and advice on reporting in the comments.