Starplaza Welcomes back the Rares (+Tips for Collectors)

   I've seen Stardoll bring back rare items before and it looks like they're doing it again. While bringing back old items seems cool to some people, it can have a big effect on collectors. 

   If you've visited the Starbazaar, you'll notice that rare items can go for hundreds of Stardollars. The older and more limited the items become, the higher the price seems to go. (To learn how much a Stardollar is worth in real dollars, click here.)

   In order to be a collector, you have to invest a lot of money in your collection. Stardoll is full of many dedicated collectors who hunt for rare items in Starbazaar. Buying and selling exclusive items can be a lot of fun, but in times like these, a collector could be ruined. Normally, a collector could resell their items and make the money they paid for it back, but not if the item isn't worth as much anymore. A rare items value usually only goes up with time, but when old items return to the Starplaza, the value of the items go way down. The reason an item is no longer worth as much when it's brought back is because there is no demand for that item anymore. There's no reason to pay a lot for it, because now anyone can own it, and for a cheaper price. 
   To be honest, because of Stardoll bringing back these rare items, the collectors are screwed. They are stuck with items that they paid way too much for and now it's not even a rare item anymore, because Stardoll wiped the slate clean. I feel bad for the collectors, I really do. I also am frustrated with Stardoll for this, because they have to know what they're doing. The question is, why are they doing this?

    I have a theory. 

    Every purchase made in Starbazaar and in Starplaza profits Stardoll, but I believe that the profits from Starplaza are much greater then in Starbazaar. Because Stardoll can get profits from 500 Stardollar purchases in Starbazaar, that must mean even more profit lies in the smaller 36 Stardollar purchases added together. Since many members have been on Stardoll for a long time, they're starting to witness Stardolls plan. It's a cycle, from which Stardoll benefits and the collectors suffer. 

     Take the Faith Hill Dress for example. A few years ago, this dress was in the Starplaza store Archive for 16 Stardollars. When it was removed from Starplaza, it's value slowly rose. I've seen it priced at over 400 Stardollars and others say the lowest they've seen it is 60 Stardollars. Either way, that's a big jump from 16. Just this week the dress returned to Starplaza, after all these years. It's now being sold for 36 Stardollars. All the collectors who potentially paid hundreds of Stardollars, will have to wait years before the value is high enough to earn their money back. 

    Another example of a rare item that lost it's value is the Evil Panda Black/Brown/Dark Blonde Plait. These items were originally in Starplaza years ago, being sold for 3-4 Stardollars. Their value shot up to 300-500 Stardollars over the years. They were a hot item. Now they're in Starplaza for only 60 Starcoins. They're value couldn't get much lower. I don't think there's any hope for collectors of the first edition of this braid to ever earn their money back.

     It's my mission to help collectors avoid being stuck with overpriced items. Before you become a collector, or if you're already a collector, before you make your next purchase, consider the following:

Tips for Collectors
  • Never settle for high prices - No matter how long you've been searching, don't settle for paying maximum value. Keep searching Starbazaar for the lowest price you can find. If you're having trouble, try to find an owner of that item directly. You can locate collectors by spreading your wishlist in guestbooks, clubs and on Stardoll Blogs like this one.
  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is - There comes a time in every Stardoll users life, that someone asks if they want to trade items. The deal can be tempting and the person can seem genuine, but the chances are, it's going to end badly for one of you. Trading is against Stardoll rules for a good reason. Paying for an item the right way is worth the safety of your items and your Stardollars. 
  • Buying limited edition items ensures the value - Stardoll will never bring back items that were sold in limited amounts. Some brands that sell limited edition items are: LE, Antidote, Pet-a-Porter, LE Decor, Super Supreme, etc. There are other rare and valuable items, but I think items from these stores, and stores like these, are more guaranteed to keep their value over time.
  • Research before you buy - Before you buy an item, figure out how much it's really worth. You can find out by asking other collectors or reading about the item online. Always double check your research. Doing your research can ensure you don't overpay.

     I've said enough negativity, so let me get to the positive side of all of this.
     Bringing back old items is a great way to allow newer members to own beautiful items. Although it's not good for everyone, that doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it for yourself. Callie's Picks is a great new store for you to explore. Who knows, maybe someday you'll own one of these items when they become rare again!

Thank you for Reading!

What do you think about Stardoll bringing back rare items?
Share your thoughts in the comments.

Stardoll Hidden Stores + Giftcodes!

In my last post I mentioned Stardoll's hidden stores. Due to my computer still being broken, I won't be able to upload screenshots. Once my computer gets fixed I will though. (:


Q: What are hidden stores?
A: Hidden stores are stores that are only visible in other countries. If you don't live in that country, you need a link to get to these hidden stores. When clicked, all the items from the store will be put into your dressing room in Starplaza and you can choose which ones you would like to buy

Q: Is it safe?
A: Of course! All these stores are made and run by Stardoll, you just can't see in in Starplaza in your country.

Q: Do I need to use a proxy?
A: Nope! Stardoll hidden stores you don't have to use a proxy because they are run by Stardoll and not a 3rd party just teaming up with Stardoll! 

Q: How do I get to the hidden stores?
A: First off, you need to have logged into Stardoll on another window. Then, you have to click the link. It will open up another tab in the Starplaza, and your dressing room will be filled with all the store's merch. 

Q: How will I know these links work?
A: I have checked them all (: If the link doesn't work, let me know in my GUESTBOOK or comment below!


Lego Friends
D-Signed Girl VS. Monster
Make Your Mark
JCP (JC Penny)
UGG Australia
Stardoll Barbie Real Dolls
Cats and Dogs
The Stardoll Store
Just Dance 2014
Gothic Animals

That's just about as many working stores I could find. I also ran across some gift codes (:

Where to put giftcodes in:
My Account > Gift Cards > Scroll to the bottom where it says 'Redeem a giftcode' and copy and paste these (all are working):


Hope this helped (:

Stardoll "Cheats": Myths and Facts

  The promise of Stardoll cheats is everywhere. Nearly every time you go to a dress-up game, to a recent Covergirl's suite, or a popular club, you will see chainmail that promise things that are just too good to be true. Other times, you may be reading a blog that will tell you go to go a site, download software, and it will put stardollars onto your account. Here are the myths and facts about Stardoll cheats like these!

  • MYTH: Posting chainletters in guestbooks and sending chainmail will work Stardoll even has on their FAQ that those do not work. All it does is annoy people. Stardoll also makes it clear that those who post them may be banned. 
  • FACT: Doing tasks in a certain order will give you rewards
    Doing a series of tasks from your yearbook will earn you rewards when you finish them (:
  • MYTH: Downloading a software that generates Stardollars and Starcoins worksI recently got sent a link to stardoll that took me to a website that got me to download a "stardollar generating software" by user queenbee32193 (SHE IS SENDING AROUND A VIRUS). These will just steal your password and you won't be able to get your account back.
  • FACT: Joining certain clubs on Stardoll will get you free stuff
    Clubs that are made by companies such as My Little Pony, Barbie, and Littlest Pet Shop etc. sometimes give you a free gift for joining the club. If the club is run by a regular member and require you to go to a link, it is a scam. Use your better judgement and only click on things by real companies, Stardoll, and make sure you do not have to leave the site to get the free things
  • MYTH: Trading or selling something to an account will send better things to your suiteI've seen superstar and royalty members get promised this too often. Basic accounts with a sketchy username usually post spam in their guestbooks getting them to sell them rares, LE, Antidote, and other valuable items promising them the whole LE collection or something too good to be true. NEVER fall for this. EVER.
  • FACT: There are 'hidden' stores in StarplazaStardoll 'hides' stores from users. Some stores are only visible in certain countries, or they have just been discontinued but the links haven't been broken. Be careful what links you're following though. The average Stardoll Hidden Store link looks like this: (I have gone to this link myself. This is the link to the D-Signed Girl VS. Monster store, and you must already be logged into Stardoll to see it) Click here

    Thank you for Reading!
    Enjoy Stardoll and stay safe!

Time Zones: Find out when your Friends are Online

  We meet amazing people on Stardoll from all across the globe. We love talking to them in chat, but in order to do so, we have to figure out when they're online. Everybody seems to live in a different time zone and two people getting on Stardoll at noon can mean two totally different times. I hope this little post can help you and your friends keep in touch, on Stardoll or elsewhere.

How to Find out when your Friends are Online
  • 1 : Find out what Country they live in. You can find out what Country a Stardoll member lives in by visiting their page. When you're on their page, just look below their suite to the left and you should see a little flag. Hover your mouse over the flag and the name of a country should appear.
If you're having trouble finding a flag on their page, just look below their medoll on the members search page.

 - If you don't see a flag, that means the person has decided not to share their country.
  • 2 : Find the Column that passes through their Country. Find their country on the World Map below. Then find it on the Time Zone Map. When you find it on the Time Zone Map, see what column passes through their country. Each column has a number that is either positive or negative. For example, Madagascar is in the column labeled +3.
The World Map is Below
After you find the country on the map above, find it on the map below and remember what column it's in.
If you can't read the map above, click here to see it bigger.
The Time Zone Map is Below
 To visit this interactive map on the official site, click here.

My friend lives in Sweden. Sweden is in the column labeled +1.
The current UTC time right now is 3:19am (January 26th).

3:19am + 1 = 4:19am

It's 7:19pm on 
January 25th right now where I live.
It's 4:19am on January 26th right now in Sweden.

Sweden is 9 hours ahead of where I live.

   After you do the math once, you'll always know how many hours ahead or behind your friend is. Then you can start getting online when your friend is online. Instead of guessing what time it is where they live, you'll know. This will keep you from waiting for them to log on or wondering where they are.

Thank you for Reading!
Please do not use what I just taught you to be a creepy stalker.

Exclusive Hairstyle inspired by Scarlett Johansson

   This advertisement should have recently appeared in your Stardoll Messages. It says that now until Thursday the 23rd, you can receive this exclusive hairstyle with any purchase of stardollars or superstar membership. Personally, I am a fan of Stardoll hairstyles, especially this one. Not only is it super exclusive, but it seems inspired.
   I can't say for sure, but this exclusive hairstyle (and the medoll it appears on in the advertisement) seems to resemble Scarlett Johansson. In case you don't know, Scarlett Johansson, is an american actress, model and singer. She and this medoll share the same full lips, small nose and- of course- long wavy locks.

Take a look for yourself and decide if you see the resemblance.
Leave your opinion in the comments!

Thank you for Reading!

How to Celebrate on Stardoll

Congratulations to mybeau69 on winning the "Happy Birthday to Me" scenery contest in E-mazingstories.

  I recently celebrated my 15th birthday, not just in real life, but on Stardoll too. Celebrating online made me feel closer to my online friends. It was also a lot of fun. In this post I'll give you some ideas about you can make your special event ever more special. These will work for all kinds of events, not just Birthdays!

Ideas for Celebrating on Stardoll

  • Write about the event in your presentation
  • Dress up your doll/suite to fit the theme of the event
  • Create a contest in your club in honor of the event (ex: scenery contest)
  • Blog about it in your Stardoll blog/on blogger
  • Make a scenery depicting the event in real life

  Try at least one of these ideas next time you have an event in real life worth celebrating on Stardoll. Before I conclude this post, I want to say a few things. I hope you keep these things in mind as you use the ideas...
  • Don't go overboard. You can go overboard by letting the event take over your page. If you keep it simple, you will probably get better responses.
  • Be modest. Nobody likes a person who's self absorbed, especially online. Make sure you stay modest. Don't make it all about you and don't use a lot of words that compliment yourself. People might get mad at you, even if it's true.
  • Prepare for the worst. When we celebrate, we can set our expectations really high. We might expect 20 birthday comments in our guestbook, but we have to play it cool. Use this as a chance to figure out who your real friends are. You can't take it personally if you don't get the responses you were hoping for. 
  I know those last three bullet points were kind of negative, but I think they were necessary. If it makes you feel any better, I got great feedback during my birthday week. I played it cool, went simple and used the ideas above. You're event will go great too, I just know it!

Thank you for Reading!
If you have any more ideas for celebrating on Stardoll, share them in the comments.

How to Format a Blog Post

  I've been making posts on Blogger for a year and a half now. In that time, I've learned a lot about what gathers the most attention. It all depends on the post layout. This post is designed to help you with your own blog posts, so they can gain the most readers possible.

  Why does post Format matter?

  Answer: Format is the way in which something is arranged or set out. Taking extra time to format your posts effectively is important. Without proper formatting your posts can look unorganized, unprofessional and uninteresting. If you arrange your posts just right, you can get more readers and potentially more comments and followers. Any good blogger needs to learn to format.

Shortcuts to make your Life Easier
Hold down the following keys at once to get the desired result.

Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + A = Select All
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + B = Bold

   Formatting Basics:
    Use these basics to improve your blog posts and get more readers.
  1. Use the justify alignment on a majority of your text, especially large paragraphs. This is the same alignment newspapers and magazine use for their articles. It makes the pages balanced and appear more organized. 
  2. Bold and/or enlarge your headings. It draws more attention to them. Also remember to choose a heading that best draws the reader in. Example; if your paragraph is about how to win national covergirl, don't title it "national covergirl", call it "winning NCG in 5 easy steps".
  3. Center when necessary. Use your best judgement to decide when to center things. I usually center large photos or important headings. Don't center small photos or large paragraphs. Centering is another great way to catch the reader's attention.
  4. Wrap text around small photos to save space. To wrap text around photos, align photos either left or right. Text should be able to be typed to the side of the photo as shown above.
  5. Paragraph and indent your text. Avoid one solid block of text at all costs. Create blank space by indenting (usually 2-3 characters) and breaking up the text into multiple paragraphs. Nobody wants to read a big block of boring text. Add photos and effects to text, because it creates interest. 

Thank you for Reading!