Since E-Mazing did a similar post to this one, click here if you haven't already read it, it's really great, I thought I would make one! (: So, E-mazing, I am going to structure mine like yours! (:
Before: (this part was borrowed from E-mazing's post, so credit to her)
- I decide how many Stardollars and Starcoins I want to spend. Ask you can see, I only have around 500 Starcoins and 10 Stardollars. I am going to try my best and save Stardollars, but I am willing to spend all my starcoins. After all, you know how hard it is to freaking get back your stardollars. *Hint hint, Stardoll*
- I go to the Catalog and see if there are any sales going on. Unfortunately, there are none at this time. I then check the things in the Starplaza window. Look, Wild Candy has a new collection out! (Post about THAT coming soon!*wink wink*)
- I decide to buy a whole new outfit. So, I go to the Catalog and look under 'Fashion -> Tops -> Starcoins'
- Hey, I kinda like these three things. I will drag them into my Dressing Room!

- Would This Item Look Good With Any Other Items? I really liked all these items, but I think the Purple Sky Shirt really looked the best on my MeDoll, and I know for sure I have other skirts and tights I can pair it up with.
- Does It Look Good On Your MeDoll?
Now, whatever item you answered for these questions the most, is the one you should probably buy!
Now, using those tips and the WWD Process, I have narrowed my outfit down to this:
I know I didn't buy any pants, but like E-mazing said, If something doesn't catch your eye, try again tomorrow!