Hello c: I am so sorry for not posting, or even just being on Stardoll for that matter. I had some personal things to deal with, but I'm pretty sure I'm back now. (:
I know I have never won Best Rated Album, but I have definitely worked towards it, and I have noticed that these are the elements that PAST winners have incorporated into their albums, so if you're trying to win, check this out (:
Here are some examples:

Continuing Photos:
I know I have never won Best Rated Album, but I have definitely worked towards it, and I have noticed that these are the elements that PAST winners have incorporated into their albums, so if you're trying to win, check this out (:
This is the cover of my album. People seem to like very black and white, color-schemed covers and pages. They like the pictures to be very pretty. I took this picture using the camera feature from the Alpine Chalet suite.
Add lots of nature, abstract, or just pictures that look like a photographer took them.
Here are some examples:

Now, as you can see, it doesn't ALWAYS have to be of a landscape or whatnot, it can be just a pretty cool looking picture of your MeDoll (:
Continuing Photos:
Another thing you can do is resize a photo so it is going from one page to the other, being big enough that it takes up two pages. Here is a quick video I made showing you how to do that. (:
Of course, you'll have to resize both photos to easily fit the two pages. (:
- Formatting
People are more inclined to reading and looking at something that is formatted nice. For example, having a picture of your MeDoll on the right side, and on the left explaining why you made your MeDoll look like that, or a little bit about yourself. (:
It is also important that you try to keep a theme throughout your whole album, or else it starts to look messy and confusing.
If you're going with Summer, or Black and White, then keep with it.
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