Let's take 'presentations' for example. Last year, people were going absolutely insane over the new trend of having a presentation with a background, scroll boxes, fancy fonts and symbols etc. The reason there aren't as many presentation accounts now is because everyone has one of these presentations, and they know how to make their own new one if they get bored of their current one. Its just so abundant on Stardoll now that its expected, and no longer unique.
That's why the Modeling trend on Stardoll is so unique. Modeling is something so many people want to do! And, like presentation making, wig making, designing etc., modeling does take skill. But, unlike those other trends, modeling cannot be mass-produced. There will always be something original because you can't create a whole bunch of modeling sceneries for others to use in competitions. It's a unique and original experience, and will go on until the clubs that support and organize modeling clubs seize to exist. But hey, even when the user-supported modeling clubs stop, you can always contact Stardoll themselves and sign up for graphics!
So, modeling is a great way to get your skill, creativity, thoughts, opinions, and ideas noticed! I've sectioned this guide into chapters, so if you're looking for help on a specific subject, you can skip ahead, or you can read this all through! There are also interviews, tips, tricks, do's and don'ts!
Here's what this guide will cover
- Understanding what Stardoll modeling is,
- What elements and skills Stardoll modeling requires,
- Finding the appropriate modeling clubs that fit your abilities,
- Getting a general idea on how these clubs work
Getting Started In A Modeling Club
- Joining your first cycle,
- Tasks and task completion,
- Posing your MeDoll and scenery aesthetics,
- The judging process,
- Understanding your results
Advancing In The Modeling World
- Finding more prestigious clubs,
- Advancing in your MeDoll pose skill,
- Building a portfolio,
- Thinking outside the box
- Starting your own modeling agency
Now, let's begin!
We're going to begin with an interview from a very popular model, Jodierox10! She's won TONS of modeling Cycles, and is one of the most famous models on Stardoll.
Q: What was it like starting out as a model, and what was your first modeling experience like?
A: Starting out as a model, I didn't realise what I was getting myself into xD I tried out in a cycle in SceneryCompitio just to see what modeling was like, but I ended up actually winning the cycle o.O It was hard at first because I was against some of the top models who could pose waaay better than I could, and they seemed so experienced. But I think that is what made me work so hard in that cycle. I tried to be as good as they were and trying new things. My posing wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. I think i only won that cycle due to the drop outs, but it was still a shock. After that cycle I decided to apply for many many more, eventually I lost count of the ones I had signed up for xD I began to gain experience and I found myself placing well in other contests. I made many mistakes when I was starting out, but I guess that it was made me progress further :)
Q: What seems to be some of the key things you need to know about modeling?
A: I'd say one of the most important things about modeling is rounding with tiles. It may sound minor, but rounding your poses always looks more professional and accurate than boxy poses. I used to do quite bad poses, but as long as they were shaped and rounded it didn't seem that bad! I also think lengthening of the body parts is important. Try to avoid having abnormally long arms or legs as it sticks out and looks messy
Q: What is it like to be judged. What is the judging process like?
A: I don't really mind being judged as it is what makes you a good model, listening to critiques and constructive criticism. Of course having bad comments made about your work may hurt a little sometimes, but I try to oversee that and focus on getting better. I'm the kind of person who always picks out the negatives in myself rather than the positives though, so it isn't too bad :)
You usually get judged upon the pose, decor and styling, which all have to work together and stand out ( for the better )
Q:What are some good things and some bad things about being a model?
A: Good things about being a model, is that I have made all of my friends through it. Before modeling I didn't really talk to many people on Stardoll, but since I have become a model I have made some great friends :) I also love modeling because I love showing my ideas and my creativity. I love trying out different looks and making big bold outfits. I really enjoy competing too :) For the bad things, I'd say that it is quite time consuming. Some sceneries take me forever and I end up forgetting my priorities. Also, I occasionally find myself loosing creativity and going a bit rusty, that's when I don't do so well and it can be a bit frustrating :[
Q: What is some advice you'd give someone who wants to become a model?
A: For advice, I would just say keep trying! Put yourself out there. If you fail - so what? You learn the most valuable lessons from failing and improve more. Try out new things and be daring, make a (good) name for yourself. being a good model comes with time. I've been modeling for some months now and I'm still not the best I can be, so keep trying and you'll eventually find yourself being the next top model ;D
Now, let's begin.
What is stardoll modeling?
- Stardoll modeling is when you take your MeDoll and you pose it in sceneries according to a theme or task. You join clubs, and you make club sceneries. Usually you can win prizes, and you'll be an official model for that club.

-Ask around! Usually if you find one modeling club, you can go to the creators suite and check what clubs they're in. Usually you will find a couple. You can always tell it's a modeling club because the name with have the word Models or Modeling or something like that.
How do I join a "cycle"?
-Depending on how the club owner does things, but usually you go to a topic called "Cycle 1, 2, 3 (etc.) Sign Ups!" and you fill out the form/do the task that is stated there. Once enough models have joined the cycle, the owner will post the task!
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(Above: Example topic of a Cycle sign-up. Below: After the models joined, a posted Cycle 2 Task) |
Now, make sure you're not joining a club with hundreds and hundreds of members when you're just beginning. The reason I say this is, because when you join clubs with hundreds of members, that's just hundreds of members that you have to compete against. If you're new to this, you want to start small with only a little bit of competition.
Now,or posing. Posing means you take copies of your doll, resize them, and move them around, and cover them so it looks like it's only one doll.
How To Pose:
1. Pick a scenery. For beginners, you're going to be covering up your scenery with the coloured background of your choice. You will need 6 of these panels.
2. Pick what color you want. I am going with black, then drag 6 of the color you want onto your scenery.
(Do this 6 times)
3. Resize them so the whole scenery is covered in the panels, and you cannot see the background.
4. Now, add two of your doll, then line them up so one is behind it and it's arm is sticking out slightly to the side.
5. Get a couple more panels and lower the layer of them, so it covers all of the doll underneath except the arm sticking out.
(This is what it should look like when you've covered up the bottom doll)
6. Cover up the arm of the top layer doll so it doesn't look like your doll has multiple arms.. Unless that's the look you're going for!
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This is what it should look like when the arm is covered. Remember, the bigger your original doll, the easier it is to cover your arm. We will be able to cover the black squares with clothes, though! |
7. Now that you have your MeDoll posed, put clothes on her! Remember to use clothes that cover the tiles, and also ones that look good and work with your pose!
And this is your finished pose! You can always add more angles, or pose different body parts! Just experiment! And remember, this is STARDOLL. It is extremely hard to get your pose perfect, but practice makes progress!
Now that you've gotten yourself started in the modeling world of Stardoll, let's talk about advancing and getting yourself recognized!
DO: Take your time on your sceneries and tasks. Make sure everything looks professional and well done. If you're a good model with good poses, people will look up to you and idolize you.
DON'T: Be rude to other models! I've seen a lot of girls comment on others' work saying how they could have done better, or how it's ugly. If you are not the judge, don't say anything! It can come across as rude, as it is not your job.
DO: Comment nice, supporting things! Everyone likes someone who notices other peoples work! Plus, they are more apt to go and see what you've done too, and say nice things! They may even tell their modeling friends about you!
DON'T: Look at other people's work and take ideas! People notice if you copy, and it's rude. Plus, when you copy, it just shows that you're not creative and you take credit for other peoples work. You will also get low scores, and get eliminated!
DO: Join lots of modeling clubs! You're never going to get noticed if you stick to just one club!
DON'T: Join too many modeling clubs at the same time! You might lose track of what cycles you're in and where, resulting in you getting eliminated because you didn't complete the task, or you rushed it! Join lots of modeling clubs, just not at the same time!
DO: Join lots of modeling clubs! You're never going to get noticed if you stick to just one club!
DON'T: Join too many modeling clubs at the same time! You might lose track of what cycles you're in and where, resulting in you getting eliminated because you didn't complete the task, or you rushed it! Join lots of modeling clubs, just not at the same time!

Once you reach the finals of the cycle, if you do, you should be VERY proud of yourself. Usually the finals contains the 3 remaining models, and you will get a private score to be inboxed to you. Here is what a final task could look like ---------------->
Also, you can't forget to change your MeDoll's makeup and hair to fit not just this task, but all the tasks. You can't have your black and white themed makeup and hair for your suite, in a scenery that is all about colour, if you know what I mean. Here is an example of a final task entry (My entry)
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My finale entry, 3rd place. |
Now just remember, anything is possible. Even if you don't win, never get discouraged! Join a new cycle, or if you don't like the judges, join a new modelling club!
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Frieda's finale entry, 1st place. |
Thanks for posting this! This helped me a lot!
Same. I Lhove Toh Modhel Ohn Starhdholl, Ahnd This Rheally Helped Meh When I Firhst Ghot Ihnto Iht.
DeleteNo problem, guys!