How to Re-Create A Good Reputation on Your Stardoll Account

Hey guys, Abby here! I'm here to help you guys re-create your reputation on your Stardoll Account. So many people I've met have lied to me, saying fake things about them self to get others to like them. Soon, the lies catch up to them, and they end up losing friends, and getting a scar on their reputation. 

I'm here to clean it up.

 Be Yourself

Being Yourself is important. Why? Because people don't truly don't know who you are if you act like someone your not. Instead, they like the person you've made up. It feels wrong, and it is. It's wrong to lie to both yourself, and to your "friends". They don't know who you are at all. Instead, BE YOURSELF. If they don't like you for who you are, and decide not to be your friend, then that's their problem. Your unique for being who you are; not for the fake person you made up.

Being Yourself is something you'll have to keep in mind while re-creating your reputation.

Now, Shall we begin? 

First, you should delete any nasty comments from your ex-friends, if they left any. Block all of them, you don't want to log into Stardoll, and read them every day. Now that you have blocked them, I would re-write anything about the fake you; For example, if you did a " About Me " on your presentation, album, blog, etc. you should erase it and start over. You should write about the real you. Add things you like to do, and you dislike. You'll be telling the truth about yourself. You need to forget about the old lie you use to live in. This may seem hard, but you can't live in a lie anymore. After you finish telling the REAL you, erase any memories of your old friends. Photos, shout outs, etc. 

Congratulations. You have now pushed away the fake you.

There isn't much to do anymore now that you have pushed away the fake you. You are officially yourself. Now, getting friends. Start going to party's, join clubs that your interested in,  and meet people who like the same things you do.Once you have some friends, you won't ever remember the old life you use to have. But if you do, remember, they never liked you for you, but the fake you. Having your own set of friends who like you for you, cleaned up the deep scar on your reputation. 

Even if you do have friends, remember, be nice to everyone, and tell the truth. You soon will have many friends, and have lot's of people will like you for you. 

Thanks For Reading!

1 comment:

  1. This post is good for those who have been falsely accused of hacking, scamming, or cheating on Stardoll, too.



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