ISMRT: "My Rares Have Been Stolen!"

I was going to do a story on this last week, but I felt as if I didn't have enough information. I am so sorry if this post isn't as well-put-together as my other posts usually are, and I am sorry if there is any bad spelling and grammar; I need to get this out before guestbook comments are deleted and I have no evidence.

Alright, so this is what ismrt's presentation says:

Now, here is my first and only suspect.

-The items stolen are NOT in her closet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have another account...

SO, ismrt's presentation clearly states that rares have been stolen, then pinkinveen (our first and only suspect) writes this in her guestbook:

I write in ismrt's guestbook that they have been stolen, then pinkinveen comments this in my guestbook:

When ismrt clearly states they have been stolen in her presentation.... It's almost like she's hiding something....

It's on her presentation.....

Just looks a little suspicious to me....

Also.. take a look at her suite....

It's very basic, and she is only  level 35, which isn't TOO difficult to get to...

And take a look at the date she joined...

Not too long ago....

The level of the user that stole ismrt's items was level 52... 

I'm level 57, and look at the date I joined:

.... And they deleted their account just because of rares?

I don't know....


  1. I agree. This girl is very suspicious. What do you think she is trying to achieve though? I'm just curious.

  2. I visited her suite. I saw some HotBuy things in her closet. And some ELLE and DKNY in the back of her closet. - ZendayaLovesMe on Stardoll



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