About the Stardoll Mystery Symbol - Part 3

  It's been almost six months since my first post on the Stardoll Mystery Symbol and since then, it's remained my most viewed blog post. I've already done a follow up post, but I still feel inclined to farther expand on this mystery symbol, also known as the NET. If you'd like to view my first two posts, click on the links below. Otherwise, keep reading for everything you need to know about the Stardoll Mystery Symbol.

Everything you need to know...
About the Stardoll Mystery Symbol

  Here are some myths you may have heard about the Stardoll Mystery Symbol.

  • Myth - You need to join a club or vote someone 5/5 to make the symbol appear.
  • Reality - You don't need to do anything to make the symbol appear. It will appear on it's own. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
  • Myth - The symbol stays in the same place.
  • Reality - The symbol's location is random and constantly changing. If someone finds the symbol on a certain page, you won't find it there too, even if it's within the same hour.

  Now, here are the 3 Most Important Facts about the Stardoll Mystery Symbol.
1. The symbol can be found at the bottom of any page, under the Stardoll logo and the Google +1 button.
2. The symbol looks like a hot pink makeup bag with lipstick and mascara poking out the top. Shown above to the left.
3. When you find the symbol you unlock an achievement called "THE NET" and earn 15 starpoints. Shown to the right.

  I hope this post sums up everything you need to know about Stardoll Mystery Symbol. If there's anything I've learned about this symbol, it's that it will appear when you least expect it. You just have to keep visiting different pages until it appears. It's like that saying "a watched pot never boils". If you stop looking, it will happen a lot sooner.

Thank you for Reading
and Good luck on your hunt for the NET!

As always, please feel free to share your experiences with the NET in the comments.


  1. I found it! i forgot about it, cause I always looking! Now I found it when I clicked the bonjour bizou page thing at starplaza!

  2. this is sooooo usful! i had no idea about what it look like, or where it was! thanks sooo much

  3. Oh!it was at the scenery!

  4. I already found it without this. But thanks anyway! :) Mine was at a chat. It was at the bottom and in the middle.

  5. I found it in the Beauty Palour :D



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