The Future is Now

Hello, dollies!

I took a look at my Stardoll messages, and to my surprise, I saw a message titled, "New Facial Features!" with the picture below.

I clicked on the image, and I am so happy with what I saw. Tons of new facial features for Superstars have been added. Now, some of you non-superstars may be disappointed, however, there is a gift for you as well! All of the older superstar features have been converted into non-superstar features. Now, you're able to access and use all of the facial features you've always wanted to use without even paying a dime!

But... wait! I actually forgot one other feature: the noses! I absolutely love how they added the noses to give members more of what they paid for. However, now Stardoll has brought them to us!

So, what do YOU think of these new features? In my opinion, I love them. No need for Stardesign face masks anymore because these new facial features have an incredibly realistic look to them that I'm sure many users will enjoy. I hope we get new hairstyles next! Here are my favorite facial features:

What do you think of the new features? What do you want next from Stardoll? Are you going to be using these features?

Tell us in the comments!
Thanks for reading.


Guide to having a Popular Club on Stardoll

   In this post I will explain how you can achieve and maintain a popular club. I will start from the beginning, because a popular club can only be as strong as it's foundation. If you have any questions, post them in the comments. 

Step 1: Creating the Club

Note: If you have already created the club you wish to be popular, use this step as a reference, as you can edit most of the options I discuss here.

   This is arguably the most important step to having a popular club on Stardoll. Although there are many factors, the club name is something you can never change, which makes choosing the right one essential.

Choose a Club Name:

Before picking a name, check out the main "Clubs" page. Notice that the popular clubs in each category have these things in common:

  1. In many titles, only the first letter of important words are capitalized. If you want to find out more about title capitalization, click here to automatically capitalize your title correctly. For example: SavetheAnimals, EatLovePray or TheStoryClub.
  2. There are very few titles that include symbols or numbers. I suggest only using them when it's relevant to the club's name. For example: Love2Swim or X-RayClub. If the club name you want is already taken, don't use numbers or symbols to make it original, think of a whole new name. Be completely original, not just as original as you have to be.
  3. All of the titles are easily understandable. When you look at the title of a popular club, you should know exactly what it is about. Don't use acronyms, unless it's a well known one like "LOL" or "DIY".  For example: Do "MilkDrinkers", Don't "MooClub". 
Membership Type: 
A popular private club is possible, but it's really hard. This will be the easiest part of creating a popular club. Make it "anyone can join."

Step 2: Designing the Club

Note: A club's design is never complete. As your club evolves, so should the aspects that make it presentable. So even if you think your club is good is this aspect, you could still benefit in this step.

   The club design is easily the second most important part of a club, behind the name. It is also the most complex aspect. Your design should depend on the atmosphere and features you want to offer at your club. You want your design to be attention grabbing and impressive. If people like the design, they will join.

Club Presentation:

Bonus: For tips and advice on creating club rules, click here to view a previous post.

Every club needs a good presentation. It's a chance to win over potential members, as well as share important information with current members. If you need help learning how to get a presentation, click here to visit a detailed "how to" post on the subject.

When choosing a presentation, consider the following...

  • If you plan on including a long body of text (About the Club, Club Rules, etc.), then you should consider finding a scroll-box for your presentation. Scroll-boxes save space and are more appealing to potential members.
  • Choose a color theme that suits the atmosphere of the club. Always make the text and background high contrast so it's easy to read. For example: If you have a club called "LoveYourself", then you might want an uplifting/bright color palette. To learn more about how colors go together, click here.
  • If you want to emphasize a certain part of the presentation, consider a different background color or flashing text. I suggest keeping the amount of emphasized text to as little as possible, because the more you emphasize, the less each individual part stands out.
While using a colored background or scroll-box, use "Shift" + "Enter" to move down a line.

Here are some possible features for your club presentation...
  • Club Title, Owner Name, Date of Creation, Managers' Usernames (The basics.)
  • About the Club/ Club History (This is where you say why they should join.)
  • Current Events/ Open Contests and Recent Winners (Great way to recognize members.)
  • Club Rules (Say what's specific to your club only. Don't recite Stardoll rules.)
  • Pictures of club events/winners (Including pictures is a great way to break up the mass of text.)
Don't forget to give credit to whomever created the presentation format. This is important.

Club Description:

My advice for the club description is keep it short and sweet. Don't be afraid to brag about the club. Include the main purpose of the club and summary of the things that make it great. Make sure it's appealing to the eyes and when saved, make sure it's balanced evenly. Use proper grammar and always try to appear professional but approachable.

Club Poll:

The club poll is not something to ignore, take it seriously. Make sure to always use proper grammar and spelling in your poll. Make sure the question is clear and the answers represent all the possible responses. You can use the poll to get feedback on club events. You can also use it as a way to spark discussion. My personal favorite is using the poll to advertise club contests by asking if the members have entered yet. It's not the most fun, but it gathers attention.

Cover Scenery:

There are a few things you could use the scenery on the homepage for.

  1. Make a scenery to welcome new members.
  2. Make a scenery to advertise current events and contests.
  3. Have a scenery contest and put the winning scenery on the homepage.
Remember to always use quality sceneries on the front page. If you don't feel confident about your presentation skills, click here to learn more about how to pose.

Step 3: Getting Popular

Getting New Members:

  • Send Broadcasts - It's the most expensive method, but it usually has the best results.
  • Ask your Friends - It's the fastest way, but the results are limited.
  • Post in Guestbooks - It takes the most time, but it's free.
   I suggest posting in guestbooks. I have personally used this method and I find it most effective. You can post in any guestbook, but I suggest posting in the guestbooks of people who just broadcasted. Their pages are the most visited. To save time, copy and paste the same message each time. Add a symbol to the end to make sure the message can be posted repeatedly.
  • Get Sponsored - Find popular Stardoll members to join your club. They can get your club more attention.
  • Get Featured on Blogs - Find Stardoll blogs who are willing to feature your club in a post.

Keeping Current Members Active:

The following tips are from a previous blogpost. Click here for the complete list of tips to "Keeping Club Members Active".

  1. Set a Good Example: The owner should be as nice, friendly and active as they want the members to be. Don't be afraid to add your members as friends, because if they like the owner then they'll want to do active things for their club!
  2. Don't let them Forget: Don't be afraid to remind your members. Posting in their guestbook is easy. Remind them to continue a story or role play, tell them about a cool for event, or ask them if they've contributed to a topic yet.
  3. Use Spot Topics Wisely: Lots of people say they visit a club by clicking on Spot Topics. That doesn't mean make random ones, it means make new Spot Topics they're be interested in, as often as possible. I also suggest delete old Spot Topics or moving them to normal topics.
  4. Have Stuff for Members to do: Have lots of things for members to do when they come. If there are only 3 topics, they can't stay long. Make fun games, contests and encourage members to make topics too.

Bonus: For a secret trick to getting active members, click here to view a previous post.

Thank you for Reading!

If you have any questions or additional suggestions, post them in the comments below.

How to Re-Create A Good Reputation on Your Stardoll Account

Hey guys, Abby here! I'm here to help you guys re-create your reputation on your Stardoll Account. So many people I've met have lied to me, saying fake things about them self to get others to like them. Soon, the lies catch up to them, and they end up losing friends, and getting a scar on their reputation. 

I'm here to clean it up.

 Be Yourself

Being Yourself is important. Why? Because people don't truly don't know who you are if you act like someone your not. Instead, they like the person you've made up. It feels wrong, and it is. It's wrong to lie to both yourself, and to your "friends". They don't know who you are at all. Instead, BE YOURSELF. If they don't like you for who you are, and decide not to be your friend, then that's their problem. Your unique for being who you are; not for the fake person you made up.

Being Yourself is something you'll have to keep in mind while re-creating your reputation.

Now, Shall we begin? 

First, you should delete any nasty comments from your ex-friends, if they left any. Block all of them, you don't want to log into Stardoll, and read them every day. Now that you have blocked them, I would re-write anything about the fake you; For example, if you did a " About Me " on your presentation, album, blog, etc. you should erase it and start over. You should write about the real you. Add things you like to do, and you dislike. You'll be telling the truth about yourself. You need to forget about the old lie you use to live in. This may seem hard, but you can't live in a lie anymore. After you finish telling the REAL you, erase any memories of your old friends. Photos, shout outs, etc. 

Congratulations. You have now pushed away the fake you.

There isn't much to do anymore now that you have pushed away the fake you. You are officially yourself. Now, getting friends. Start going to party's, join clubs that your interested in,  and meet people who like the same things you do.Once you have some friends, you won't ever remember the old life you use to have. But if you do, remember, they never liked you for you, but the fake you. Having your own set of friends who like you for you, cleaned up the deep scar on your reputation. 

Even if you do have friends, remember, be nice to everyone, and tell the truth. You soon will have many friends, and have lot's of people will like you for you. 

Thanks For Reading!

Official Stardoll Update Sneak Peaks

   Today, I came across a very exciting photo on Stardoll's Official Tumblr page relating to the update rumors that (I) have been circulating. If you haven't noticed, lately I've been obsessed with finding out what Stardoll has planned next for us. I've made speculations with the "Stardoll City" idea, but this picture proves me wrong.

  What's so special about this picture? Well, take a closer look. You can see potential changes to Beauty Parlor, Starplaza, and Suite. These changes have nothing to do with an overall site map as I originally thought. I'm happy I was wrong, but these look like some major changes. Let's discuss.

 Beauty Parlor Changes
- Color Wheel : Select your doll's eye color using a color wheel at the bottom left of Beauty Parlor.
- Separate Makeup/Jewelry into Boxes : Previewing makeup and jewelry in more structured boxes (like we currently view face features and hair.). No more shelves.

Starplaza Changes

- Cart is Transparent : View the items in your cart while still being able to see your doll in the dressing room. No more white pop up list.
- Item list on Bottom : See the items in the catalog and on the mannequins at the same time. Scroll sideways to view more.

Suite Changes
- Black Sidebar : Replacing the large white bar with a smaller black sidebar. This bar fits the current theme Stardoll has already begun to change to. 
- Options in the upper left : There are little icons in the upper left, including a medoll with dropdown arrow, house, (?), and giftbox. What do you think they do?

   What do you think about these potential changes? Do you think Stardoll has completed it's changes or are one of these options above going to become reality? Did you see something I didn't? Share your opinion in the comments.

Thank you for Reading!

Face Shading With Makeup

Without Makeup Shading VS With Makeup Shading 

As more and more features get added to Stardoll, members express their creativity in a variety of ways. One of these popular ways is shading the face of your MeDoll to make it look more realistic and less cartoon-like. Although some features in the Beauty Parlor offer a little bit of shading itself, it's still not enough to make your MeDoll look realistic and not like a 2D cartoon.

One of these ways is by using Stardesign Hair to create masks that shades the face. Although this way you can create and shade your face however you like, using that method is tricky and expensive.

So this is how you do it with Makeup.

Stardoll's Updating Today!

  I haven't come across a page like this in a long time, and it's been like this for several minutes. All of Stardoll is currently unavailable. Maybe staff is finally updating the new website format so everyone can enjoy it- for the good and the bad.

   Here's a link to my previous post on the Stardoll Updates: click here!

In the previous post I discussed the pros and cons of the update. My Stardoll has been like the photo above for a few months now. I think it's overall a good change from the previous layout.

Thank you for Reading!

HOW TO: Smokey Eye

Hello, dollies!

Today, we're going to learn how to achieve a "smokey eye" on Stardoll. This eye-shadow look is one of my favorites. It's classy, cute, and mysterious. A pair of heels and a short dress would pair up nicely with this modern and stylish make up look!

What you'll need:
- Black eye-shadow/shade-stick
- White eye-shadow/shade-stick
- Gray eye-shadow/shade-stick
- Black Mascara (Optional)
- Black Pencil Eyeliner

How to apply Eye shadow For Beginners

Hello guys! 

   Its Su V (BarbieSubhi). 

   Most of the dolls below level 20 don't know how to put on eye-shadow properly, so they sometimes end up messy or maybe spend hours to finish their look. 

  Today I'm going to show you guys how to apply eye shadow for beginners on stardoll. The steps are below:

   For this, you'll need:

  1. Your Medoll 
  2. Eye-shadow - Any color
  3. Shade-stick - Any color

Creative Dressing

Hi everyone! Its BarbieSubhi, you can call me Su V. This is my first post here and I hope you'd love my posts here.

I am going to talk about using your skills in dressing up on stardoll. Two examples are here :

No. 1
For this dress up, I used : 
i. On stage top (it's hidden by the hair) - Rio - 50 sc
ii. First Voile Bridal Skirt - Voile - 76 sc - As you can see, I used it as a top here.
iii. Basic White Skinny Jeans - Basic - 40 sc
iv. UGG Shea - UGG Australia - 50 sc
v. Hotbuys Minipack - It Girls - 11 sd 

Total :- 216 starcoins and 11 stardollars

For this dress up, I used : 
i. White Satchel Bag : 25 sc (I used it as a top here)
ii. Beautiful Belt : Bonjour  Bizou : 7 sd
iii. Licorice Skirt : Wild Candy : 101 sc 
iv. Triple Nail Stilettos : Facebook : 0sc 
Total :- 126 starcoins 7 stardollars

I hope you liked it. If you have got any other creative ideas like these, please share it here. 
Thanks for reading! 

~ Su V (BarbieSubhi)