How to Format a Blog Post

  I've been making posts on Blogger for a year and a half now. In that time, I've learned a lot about what gathers the most attention. It all depends on the post layout. This post is designed to help you with your own blog posts, so they can gain the most readers possible.

  Why does post Format matter?

  Answer: Format is the way in which something is arranged or set out. Taking extra time to format your posts effectively is important. Without proper formatting your posts can look unorganized, unprofessional and uninteresting. If you arrange your posts just right, you can get more readers and potentially more comments and followers. Any good blogger needs to learn to format.

Shortcuts to make your Life Easier
Hold down the following keys at once to get the desired result.

Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + A = Select All
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + B = Bold

   Formatting Basics:
    Use these basics to improve your blog posts and get more readers.
  1. Use the justify alignment on a majority of your text, especially large paragraphs. This is the same alignment newspapers and magazine use for their articles. It makes the pages balanced and appear more organized. 
  2. Bold and/or enlarge your headings. It draws more attention to them. Also remember to choose a heading that best draws the reader in. Example; if your paragraph is about how to win national covergirl, don't title it "national covergirl", call it "winning NCG in 5 easy steps".
  3. Center when necessary. Use your best judgement to decide when to center things. I usually center large photos or important headings. Don't center small photos or large paragraphs. Centering is another great way to catch the reader's attention.
  4. Wrap text around small photos to save space. To wrap text around photos, align photos either left or right. Text should be able to be typed to the side of the photo as shown above.
  5. Paragraph and indent your text. Avoid one solid block of text at all costs. Create blank space by indenting (usually 2-3 characters) and breaking up the text into multiple paragraphs. Nobody wants to read a big block of boring text. Add photos and effects to text, because it creates interest. 

Thank you for Reading!

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