Stardoll's Updating Today!

  I haven't come across a page like this in a long time, and it's been like this for several minutes. All of Stardoll is currently unavailable. Maybe staff is finally updating the new website format so everyone can enjoy it- for the good and the bad.

   Here's a link to my previous post on the Stardoll Updates: click here!

In the previous post I discussed the pros and cons of the update. My Stardoll has been like the photo above for a few months now. I think it's overall a good change from the previous layout.

Thank you for Reading!


  1. I know! I just tried to log on and it came up like that.. I'm kind've excited, but slightly nervous too, a lot of the updates, in my opinion, were for the worse.

    1. It looks like everything's back. Did anything change for you?

    2. No, nothing changed for me. I was expecting a huge transformation, but maybe they just changed a small thing no ones going to notice. I have no idea.

  2. Maria World-of-me5/14/2014 04:26:00 PM

    I didn't get any sign like that at all!



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