Fixing "Bad" Language

Stardoll tries to keep everyone in line, but doesn't it always seem like when you actually say bad words they don't catch it- but when you didn't say anything wrong it won't let you say it? It can be frustrating. I'm going to share some tips on how to figure out where they think you said "Bad" language. Just keep reading.

Let's say you just pushed post and Stardoll stopped you with the very familiar message:
 (I just have to add in there to prove my point, that when I was posting a semi naughty word so I could copy and paste the message about bad language that appears, it let me post it! It let me post another bad word as well! Stardoll... shame on you... anyway... back to the tip.)

There are a couple things you could do, but the first thing I always do is check chat. If someone is online, then follow this tip. I'll give an example.
1: Copy what you want to post but can't
2: Paste it in Chat with someone
3: Ask them to tell you where the stars are (Stars are what will show up when Stardoll detects bad language. They look like this: ****)
4: They might reply with something like this. I'll give an example. Your original text you sent to them: That's extra awesome! What they replied with: That'* **tra awesome!
5: Find that point in your writing and fix it. (More tips on fixing it below.)

If nobody is on chat then you can do two things. You can check your writing, but if it's really long then I suggest going to a guestbook. Guestbooks allow you to post bad words, but they star them out. Just post it in a guestbook (Delete whatever is over the max of Characters) and look for stars. If there aren't any in part of it, you'll need to find another guestbook and post the rest. When you find the stars you'll just need to fix it. 

Tips for Finding "Bad" language:
- Look for the following: Words that end what s and the following word starts with ex, example: Those games excited me! Words that end with t and the following word starts with it, example: I love that it's summer! Those 2 get me a lot. 
- Scam the text for the ends of words and beginning of other words. Look for curse words, slang words and anything you might suspect. I've come across: jumped open, mama sshhh!! You have to look really closely. 
- After you fix something, try re-posting it. That way you don't fix something else when you can already post. If it's still bad, keep looking.

Tips for Fixing "Bad" language: 
- Replace similar letters with symbols. Examples: a's with @'s, i's with !'s, o's with 0's, etc.
- Put stars on purpose. Examples: Drama* **citing, don'* **'s 
- You could find another font online that Stardoll lets post. I suggest: Funky Text Generator -
- You could always rephrase it. Examples: Dramas exciting to Dramas fun, don't it's to no it's.

Thanks for reading! 
I hope these help you! ♥


  1. Thanks, this really helped. But a quicker way to do this. So, have 2 tabs that are on 1, where you want to post, and 2nd one where it has the presentations editor open. Copy and paste what you want to post into your presentation, and click save. Then, it will say what you need to fix in that little red box. Hope this helped!
    btw, I love E-mazingStories!

    1. Thanks, that's another good tip. I love that you're posting! I usually don't get any responses and it's nice to get some. :)

  2. I use It is safe,and you don't have to sign up.-stargazl_04

  3. Can someone point out the problem? I can't figure it out!!!

    Love Your Enemies

    Hi, I'm Rose. 15. Living The Dream.

    "You don't need to be rich to be beautiful, don't need to be popular to have friends, and don't need to be the prettiest girl on the planet to be the most loved person on the planet. Just be who you are."



    Ok, if you need to know anything about me, it's that I am a Netflix Nerd.

    TV shows and stuff about them (spoilers will be found):

    Heroes and Heroes Reborn: uh, they're the same thing just produced 10 years apart. And no, I didn't wait that long, I started Heroes on Netflix and am currently caught up with it. It's on NBC if you're intrested.

    Doctor Who: Love this show, it's one of my firsts. I'm not caught up, I still haven't watched the episode after Face The Raven,but, BYE CLARA OSWALD :'( *cries

    Once Upon A Time: Also one of my first TV shows, and am currently caught up, just waitin' for Sunday to come around.

    Gilmore Girls: FINISHED! Gotta Love Lorelai.

    The Flash: Watched Season 1. I have to admit, I'm kind of happy Eddie's gone

    The Paradise: Watched Season 1+2, and loved both.

    Sherlock: Watched All of the Netflix seasons, but nothing more. MORIARTY IS BACK

    The 100: Watched all Netflix Seasons: My reactions: Don't go finnnnnn. Don't go Ravennn.Survive Bellamyyyy. GO AWAY Cage. Bone Marrow with a drill? Seriously? JAHA! Oh F

    Young and Hungry: Caught Up on all netflix seasons. Don't give up Josh, at least not to your brother, I out of all people, your brother?

    The Office: Season 3. PAM AND JIM! PAM AND JIM! PAM AND JIM!

    The Secret Life Of The American Teenager: ON HOLD> ON EPISODE: She Went That A'way. And does everyone just get preg?

    The Whispers: MILO VENTIMIGLIA IS bae, and also, don't go CLAIRE!


    ugh I can't think/remember the rest, but I assure you that there is wayyy more :)


  4. I wrote "everything on 2nd & 3rd pic except..." and I've had a problem with "pi* **cept"



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