Tips for the "Stardoll 365" Achievement

  Once you've achieved 3, 7, 30, and 100 days in a row... there's only one more achievement to go, but it's a big one; 365 days in a row. To unlock this achievement you must log into Stardoll everyday for a whole year. You can log on using a computer or Stardoll access. This achievement is very difficult, even though it seems simple, because it's so long term. If you forget, just once, you'll have to start over.  I decided to make these tips so there will be no forgetting and no mistakes. I think that with these tips, you will reach this towering achievement- the first time!


Log in using Stardoll Access; I suggest downloading the Stardoll Access app, because it saves time. Log in once, then as long as you have WiFi, you don't have to physically log in every day. It keeps you logged in, even if you forget.

Set a reminder; Most devices can set reminders, so I suggest setting a reminder to "log into Stardoll" on a device you use everyday. If you can't set a reminder on a device, put a sticky note somewhere you visit everyday like the bathroom mirror. This will keep you from forgetting.

Plan ahead for Vacations; In my opinion, vacations are the biggest threat to reaching this achievement, so plan ahead. Check where you'll be staying to see if they have Internet access. If they don't then you have two options; you can leave your device at home (still logged into Stardoll access and changing) or you can find a public library where you're vacationing.

Phone a Friend; If you have a trusted and reliable friend, then they will be a big help with achieving "Stardoll 365". If you have a problem with forgetting to log in, ask your friend to text or call you and remind you. If you're going to be gone on vacation, ask your friend to watch your device while you're gone to make sure you stay logged in.

Thank you for Reading!

Share your own Tips for beating "Stardoll 365" in the comments.


  1. Even if you log in every day, the counter can glitch and go back to zero. This has happened to me twice when I was close to 300 days, very frustrating!

  2. The counter glitched on me 3 times and reset itself when I am certain I logged on every day; once in November 2014 when I had over 200 days and another time September 2015 when I had over 300 days. I see very few members with this award. It is nearly impossible to acheive, and I think it should be removed. Or give a much better award!



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