Top Stylish **CHEAP** Starcoin Outfit Picks!

Not having Stardollars seems to be one of the biggests problems Stardoll faces today. With so many new members, there honestly is no way to get Stardollars without either 
1. Buying them
2. Using the ones you get from Yearbook activities (which you WILL need to complete the next task, so they don't last long at all)
3. Selling things in your bazaar. (Which we all know, non-superstars don't have this option)

So? How can you be stylish without spending a few stardollars? It's actually easier than you think! Read these tips to find out what stores sell Starcoin items, as well as my TOP picks from those stores!

**All Items Are Under 200 Starcoins Total**

What Stores Sell Starcoin Items?
First off, get to know what stores offer Starcoin items. Most stores do, but there are a few that don't such as: Limited Edition, Antidote, Archive, Hot Buys, and most other designer/limited edition/collector brands.

Unfortunately the stores that DO sell some Starcoin items often don't have very good selection. 
There is a store, however, that sells MOSTLY Starcoin items, with the exception of like 1 or 2 items: Wild Candy.

Wild Candy Selections


Ruffle Bubblegum Dress
Wild Candy
125 Starcoins

Gold Button Sailor Dress
Wild Candy
139 Starcoins

Autumn Blooms Dress
Wild Candy
150 Starcoins

Striped Floral Dress
Wild Candy
129 Starcoins


(This one isn't really a dress, but it says dress)
Eyes On You Dress
Wild Candy
152 Starcoins

Peplum Linen Tunic
Wild Candy
128 Starcoins

Heart Dotted Sweater
Wild Candy
100 Starcoins


Wild Candy Peach Denim
Wild Candy
138 Starcoins

Madras Print Tights
Wild Candy
96 Starcoins

Delight Shorts
Wild Candy
68 Starcoins

Selections From Other Stores

See Through Blouse
IT Girls
115 Starcoins

Watercolor Floral Blouse
Pretty N' Love
118 Starcoins

Dotty Sweet Blouse
Bonjour Bizou
110 Starconis

Graph Striped Top
Evil Panda
68 Starcoins


I really hoped this helped some either new users, non-superstar users, or just members who are running low on Stardollars to still look cute, but without blowing all your precious Stardollars. (:



  1. Replies
    1. Just b/c it doesn't help you doesn't mean it can't help others.(:
      Also we are all trying our best to help you and everyone else on stardoll in many different ways.:)

  2. ooh!i don't think I've seen the graph top in evil panda!!off to check it out!im World-of-me



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